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K2 Campaign Fields

Overview | Field Dates and Positions | Campaign Field Visualizations | Machine-Readable Files

Each K2 Campaign has a duration of approximately 80 days and remains fixed upon a single boresight position. This page details the K2 Campaign fields. See sections 1.2 and 1.3 of the K2 Handbook for details, as well as Data Release Notes for each individual campaign.


K2 Campaign Fields

Field Dates and Positions

Field Start Stop Data
RA Dec Comments
Eng. 2014 Feb 04 2014 Feb 13 2014 Mar 25 23:54:36 -02:09:09 Two-wheel Concept Engineering Test
0 2014 Mar 08 2014 May 27 2014 Sep 08 06:33:11 +21:35:16 Near Galactic Anti-center, M35, NGC 2158
1 2014 May 30 2014 Aug 21 2014 Dec 23 11:35:46 +01:25:02 North Galactic Cap
2 2014 Aug 23 2014 Nov 13 2015 Mar 16 16:24:30 -22:26:50 Near Gal Center, M4, M80, Upr Sco, ρ Oph
3 2014 Nov 14 2015 Feb 03 2015 Jul 17 22:26:40 -11:05:48 South Galactic Cap, Neptune
4 2015 Feb 07 2015 Apr 23 2015 Sep 04 03:56:18 +18:39:38 M45 (Pleiades), NGC1647, Hyades
5 2015 Apr 27 2015 Jul 10 2015 Oct 31 08:40:38 +16:49:47 M44 (Beehive), M67
6 2015 Jul 14 2015 Sep 30 2016 Feb 12 13:39:28 -11:17:43 North Galactic Cap
7 2015 Oct 04 2015 Dec 26 2016 Apr 20 19:11:19 -23:21:36 Near Galactic Center, NGC 6717, Pluto
8 2016 Jan 03 2016 Mar 23 2016 Jul 04 01:05:21 +05:15:44 Uranus, IC1613
9 2016 Apr 21 2016 Jul 01 2016 Sep 30 18:01:25 -21:46:47 Gal Center, M21, M18, M25, M8, Earth, Mars
10 2016 Jul 06 2016 Sep 20 2016 Dec 20 12:27:07 -04:01:38 North Galactic Cap
11 2016 Sep 24 2016 Dec 08 2017 Jun 30 17:21:33 -23:58:33 Galactic Center, Saturn
12 2016 Dec 15 2017 Mar 04 2017 Jul 31 23:26:38 -05:06:08 South Galactic Cap, Chiron, Mars
13 2017 Mar 08 2017 May 27 2017 Aug 28 04:51:11 +20:47:11 Hyades, Taurus-Auriga
14 2017 May 31 2017 Aug 19 2017 Nov 20 10:42:44 +06:51:06 North Galactic Cap, Wolf 359, WASP-104
15 2017 Aug 23 2017 Nov 20 2018 Mar 14 15:34:28 -20:04:44 Upper Sco, GW Lib, HP Lib
16 2017 Dec 07 2018 Feb 25 2018 May 30 08:54:50 +18:31:31 M44 (Beehive), M67, Earth.
17 2018 Mar 01 2018 May 08 2018 Aug 16 13:30:12 -07:43:16 Galaxies.
18 2018 May 12 2018 Jul 02 2018 Oct 24 08:40:39 +16:49:40 M44 (Beehive), M67.
19 2018 Aug 29 2018 Sep 26 2019 Feb‑May 23:09:02 -04:12:10 Trappist-1, GJ 9827, Neptune.


Note: fields 9, 16, 17, and 19 are forward-facing campaigns, for which simultaneous observations from the ground are possible throughout the duration of the campaign.

Campaign Field Visualizations



K2 Eng. Campaign Field

Campaign 0

K2 Campaign 0 Field

Campaign 1

K2 Campaign 1 Field

Campaign 2

K2 Campaign 2 Field

Campaign 3

K2 Campaign 3 Field

Campaign 4

K2 Campaign 4 Field

Campaign 5

K2 Campaign 5 Field

Campaign 6

K2 Campaign 6 Field

Campaign 7

K2 Campaign 7 Field

Campaign 8

K2 Campaign 8 Field

Campaign 9

K2 Campaign 9 Field

Campaign 10

K2 Campaign 10 Field

Campaign 11

K2 Campaign 11 Field

Campaign 12

K2 Campaign 12 Field

Campaign 13

K2 Campaign 13 Field

Campaign 14

K2 Campaign 14 Field

Campaign 15

K2 Campaign 15 Field

Campaign 16

K2 Campaign 16 Field

Campaign 17

K2 Campaign 17 Field

Campaign 18

K2 Campaign 18 Field

Campaign 19

K2 Campaign 19 Field


Machine-Readable Files

As a convenience for users, machine-readable files in a variety of formats are provided here.  The files were created using software found the K2FootprintFiles GitHub repository.  Users should be aware that the footprints here may differ from the WCS found in the headers of the ffi-cal.fits files.  In addition, there is one known Campaign 0 FFI file for which the mission pipeline produced incorrect WCS information.  The Campaign 9 FFI files do not contain WCS information at all, for this Campaign, MAST has used the footprints here for defining footprints in some of our services.  Note that these include the planned Campaign 20 field, which ultimately did not get any observations before the mission ended.

Text Format

The following contain footprints for Campaigns 0-20: k2-footprint.csvk2-footprint.json

MOC Format

MOC is a HealPix-based VO standard file format that is supported by the Aladin interactive sky atlas.

Camp. 0 Camp. 1 Camp. 2 Camp. 3
Camp. 4 Camp. 5 Camp. 6 Camp. 7
Camp. 8 Camp. 9 Camp. 10 Camp. 11
Camp. 12 Camp. 13 Camp. 14 Camp. 15
Camp. 16 Camp. 17 Camp. 18 Camp. 19