Mission Overview
Primary Investigator: Ralph Bohlin
HLSP Authors: Ralph Bohlin
Released: 2019-05-30
Updated: 2019-05-30
Primary Reference(s): Bohlin & Deustua (2019)
Citations: See ADS Statistics
WFC3IR-FLUXCAL is a collection of 19 spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using HST WFC3IR grism spectroscopy. Two IR grisms, G102 and G141, cover a wavelength range from 0.8-1.7 microns at a resolution of R=200 and R=150, respectively. These WFC3 SEDs overlap existing CALSPEC STIS flux distributions between 0.8-1.0 microns and agree within 1%. The SEDs for the 19 targets are provided in both FITS and ASCII text format. A table of sensitivities is also provided for both grisms. Extracted signals should be divided by these sensitivity values to obtain absolute fluxes, after correcting for changes in sensitivity with time and count rate non-linearity (see Bohlin & Deustua 2019 for complete instructions on how to apply the corrections provided by this HLSP).
Description Of Data Products
Each of the 19 targets has both a FITS and TXT version of their calibrated SED available. In addition, there are two tables containing the sensitivity values for the G102 and G141 grisms as derived from this HLSP.
Data file naming convention:
- <target> = name of the target, "all" for the sensitivity tables
- <grisms> = grisms applicable for the file, either "g102", "g141", or "g102-g141"
- <exten> = type of file
Data file types:
_sed.fits | spectral energy distribution for a target (FITS format) |
_sed.txt | spectral energy distribution for a target (text format) |
_sens.txt | sensitivity lookup table for the given grism |
Data Access
Sensitivity Tables
G102 | G141 |
Target SEDs