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Mission Overview


Primary Investigator: Marco Montalto

HLSP Authors: Marco Montalto

Released: 2020-08-25

Updated: 2022-10-27

Primary Reference(s): Montalto et al. 2020, Montalto 2022

DOI: 10.17909/t9-p7k6-4b32

Citations: See ADS Statistics

Read Me 

Version 1 catalog: Data Product Read Me | Catalog Column Read Me

Version 2 catalog: Data Product Read Me | Catalog Column Read Me

Difference imaging with TESS and the DIAmante pipeline. The video shows the full sequence of 1087 TESS subtracted images for Sector 7, Camera 3, CCD 3. The frame rate is equal to 12 images/sec. At the beginning of the video (0:00-0:01) and at (0:46-0:47) vertical "straps" are visible. Towards the end of the sequence (1:09) a moving object entered the camera FOV from the top right corner. A total of six images are excluded that are significantly affected by momentum dumps. The full original video is available on the PI's YouTube channel.


The DIAmante project provides raw and systematic-corrected multi-Sector light curves extracted from TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs). DIAmante exploits a new pipeline based on difference image analysis which has been specifically developed to analyze FFIs. The main targets are FGKM dwarf and sub-giant stars across the entire sky. The team provides additional supporting material as catalogs and data validation documents for specific targets of interest (e.g. transiting planets). The first data release presents the results (light curves and data validation documents) from a search for transiting planets in the Southern ecliptic hemisphere. The second data release presents the results of a search for transiting planets on a set of 1.4 million DIAmante light curves extracted from the first 26 sectors of TESS data.

Data Products

The light curve files (in both FITS and text format), along with the data validation documents, for each target are stored in the following subdirectory structure, based on the TIC identifier of the target:



  • <tid[m:n]> = m'th through n'th digits (inclusive) of the zero-padded, 16-digit TIC ID of the target, e.g., subdirectory "0000/0020/5029/0974" for TIC 2050290974

The light curve and data validation files have the following naming convention:



  • <id> = zero-padded, 16-digit TIC ID, e.g., "0000002050290974" for TIC 2050290974
  • <version> = data release version, either "v1" for version 1 or "v2" for version 2
  • <ext> = type of file product, one of "llc.fits", "llc.txt", or "dv.pdf"

At the top-most directory level, a catalog of stellar and exoplanet candidate data is available for both versions, with the following name:



  • <version> = data release number, either "v1" for version 1 or "v2" for version 2

Data file types:

_llc.{fits, txt} Light curve file in FITS or ASCII text format, respectively.
_dv.pdf Data validation document in PDF format containing exoplanet candidate search metadata and statistics.
_cat.csv Catalog of stellar and exoplanet candidate data for all DIAmante sources.



Data Access

Exoplanet Catalog

Version 1

The catalog file from the first data release may be downloaded directly through this link:  The catalog column names, descriptions, and units are available in Version 1 of the catalog README at the top of the page.

NOTE: Some stars have more than one exoplanet candidate. In those cases, the row information for the stellar data will be identical, but the "mult" column can be used to identify the different exoplanet candidates around a single star. A single light curve file and data validation document is generated for each star, whether there is a single planet candidate or multiple planet candidates detected.

Version 2

The catalog file from the second data release may be downloaded directly through this link:  The catalog column names, descriptions, and units are available in Version 2 of the catalog README at the top of the page.

  • A web-based interface for cross-mission searches of data at MAST or the Virtual Observatory. Download DIAmante data products for a few targets.
  • Search for, and retrieve, DIAmante data products programmatically based on a list of coordinates or target names.
  • Each target included in the DIAmante catalogs has associated data products available for download from a searchable, sortable table.


Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
