Mission Overview
TESS Image CAlibrator Full Frame Images ("TICA")
Primary Investigator: Michael Fausnaugh
HLSP Authors: Michael Fausnaugh, Christopher Burke, George Ricker, Roland Vanderspek
Released: 2021-02-02
Updated: 2025-02-12
Primary Reference(s): Fausnaugh et al. 2021
Citations: See ADS Statistics
Data Notes
Sector 82 orbit 2b experienced an incomplete downlink, which has been remedied as of 2024-10-04. The cameras each had a different number of FFIs available from 2024-09-10 to 2024-10-04.
Sector 78 orbit 1b was completely lost due to a safe mode issue
During Sector 78 orbit 1a, due to a safe mode issue, there are fewer FFIs available for all cameras than originally planned.
Sector 77 orbit 2b was completely lost due to a safe mode issue.
During Sector 77 orbit 2a, due to a safe mode issue, there are fewer FFIs available for all cameras than originally planned.
During Sector 72, Orbit 1a, due to incomplete contacts, there are fewer FFIs available for each CCD in Camera 2. All other cameras (Cameras 1, 3-4) have 2665 FFIs in this half-orbit for each CCD, while Camera 2 only has 2664 FFIs for each CCD.
During Sector 69, Orbit 2b, due to incomplete contacts, there are fewer FFIs available for each CCD in Camera 1. All other cameras (Cameras 2-4) have 2771 FFIs in this half-orbit for each CCD, while Camera 1 only has 2770 FFIs for each CCD.
During Sector 69, Orbit 1b, due to incomplete contacts, there are fewer FFIs available for each CCD in Cameras 1 and 2. Cameras 3 and 4 have 2851 FFIs in this half-orbit for each CCD, while Cameras 1 and 2 only have 2850 FFIs for each CCD.
In Sector 66, Orbit 2b, the last 2.15 days were used for an engineering test. No TICA data are available during this time.
During Sector 65, Orbit 2a, a single event upset (SEU) caused changes in output of Camera 4, CCD 4 over 3.4 days, such that the FFIs from this CCD during this period may not be suitable for precision photometry. There are fewer FFIs available for all CCDs in Camera 4. All other cameras (Cameras 1-3) have 2837 FFIs in this half-orbit for each CCD, while Camera 4 CCDs 1-3 each have 2836 FFIs, and Camera 4, CCD 4 only has 1374 FFIs.
During Sector 60, Orbit 1a, due to incomplete contacts, there are fewer FFIs available for each CCD in Camera 1. All other cameras (Cameras 2-4) have 2940 FFIs in this half-orbit for each CCD, while Camera 1 only has 2939 FFIs for each CCD.
During Sector 57, TESS entered into safe mode, suspending science observations. As a result, there is one fewer file (for all CCDs) available in TICA Sector 57, Orbit 1b, Camera 4, which corresponds precisely with when the safe mode started during Orbit 1b.
Data Delivery
The concept of a "Data Release" was stopped due to the regular cadence of data delivery. For Sector 35 and beyond, data are delivered to MAST as soon as feasible after the completion of each Orbit. Starting with Sector 56, data are delivered every half-Orbit, as denoted by the Orbit Part.
Data Release 1 - 02 February 2021
The first data release consists of quick-look calibrated full frame images from Sectors 27 - 30.
Data Release 2 - 08 March 2021 and 12 March 2021
The second data release consists of quick-look calibrated full frame images from the first Orbit of Sector 35. Quick-look data from the second Orbit of Sector 35, released a few days later, include observations that were completed on March 6, 2021. Additional information about the Sector 35 FFIs will be provided in the formal Data Release Notes when Sector 35 is fully ingested into MAST.
Data Products
All TICA calibrated full frame image files are sorted into directories based on the Sector, as a four-digit, zero-padded string preceded by an 's'. They are then further sorted into subdirectories based on the Camera and CCD numbers. For example, the files associated with Sector 27 for Camera 2, CCD 3, go into this subdirectory:
The catalog of reference stars used to define the WCS are stored in a subdirectory called "ref-stars/" within each Sector directory.
The calibrated full frame images have the following naming convention:
- <sector> = The Sector number as a four-digit, zero-padded number preceded by an 's', e.g., 's0027' for Sector 27.
- <orbit> = The relative orbit number within this Sector, either "o1" or "o2". Note that this does not correlate to the absolute Orbit Number that is tracked and reported in the Data Release Notes and in mission-produced products.
- <cadence> = The cadence number, as an eight-digit, zero-padded integer, equal to the FFIINDEX header keyword for mission-produced FFIs.
- <cam> = The camera number (1-4), e.g., "cam2" for Camera #2.
- <ccd> = The CCD number (1-4) for that camera, e.g., "ccd1" for CCD #1.
- <extension> = "img.fits" for the calibrated full frame images.
The WCS calibration reference star catalogs have the following naming convention:
- <sector> = The Sector number as a four-digit, zero-padded number preceded by an 's', e.g., 's0027' for Sector 27.
- <cadence> = The cadence number, as an eight-digit, zero-padded integer, equal to the FFIINDEX header keyword for mission-produced FFIs.
- <cam> = The camera number (1-4), e.g., "cam2" for Camera #2.
- <ccd> = The CCD number (1-4) for that camera, e.g., "ccd1" for CCD #1.
- <extension> = "cat.h5" for the catalogs of stars used to refine the World Coordinate System for the TICA full frame images.
Data file types:
_img.fits | Calibrated full frame image. |
_cat.h5 | Catalog of stars used to refine the WCS for a given Sector+Camera+Chip. These file formats are in HDF5. |
Description of FFI Header Keywords
Click "Expand All" to see the FITS header information.
Keyword | Header Card | Notes |
CRM_N | Window for CRM min/max rejection | For each pixel, the high and low value in a series of "CRM_N" 2-second exposures are rejected in order to remove cosmic rays. |
ORBIT_ID | Orbit ID, not a physical orbit | Only unphysical for commissioning or engineering data. |
ACS_MODE | Attitude Control System mode | Either "FP" for Fine Pointing mode or "CPI" for Course Pointing Inertial mode. |
SC_RA | Predicted RA | Commanded pointing for the Spacecraft. Note that orbit 2 is shifted a few arcseconds relative to orbit 1. |
SC_DEC | Predicted Dec | Commanded pointing for the Spacecraft. Note that orbit 2 is shifted a few arcseconds relative to orbit 1. |
SC_ROLL | Predicted roll | Commanded pointing for the Spacecraft. Note that orbit 2 is shifted a few arcseconds relative to orbit 1. |
SC_QUATX | Predicted S/C quaternion x | Commanded pointing for the Spacecraft. Note that orbit 2 is shifted a few arcseconds relative to orbit 1. |
SC_QUATY | Predicted S/C quaternion y | |
SC_QUATZ | Predicted S/C quaternion z | |
SC_QUATQ | Predicted S/C quaternion q | |
TJD_ZERO | JD-TDB epoch for which TJD = 0 | Corresponds to 2014 December 8 12-00-00 UTC. |
STARTTJD | Beginning of integration in TJD (days) | Time system is in the spacecraft reference frame. |
MIDTJD | Mid TJD of exposures | |
ENDTJD | End of integration in TJD | |
EXPTIME | Effective exposures corrected for CRM |
Equal to "INT_TIME"*0.8*0.99. Includes the effects of cosmic ray mitigation and frame transfer. |
INT_TIME | Seconds of integration | Total seconds after integration of 2 second exposures. |
PIX_CAT | ADHU target pixel bitmask ID | Spacecraft configuration table. |
REQUANT | Requant table id | Spacecraft configuration table, used for data compression. |
DIFF_HUF | Huffman table for differenced data | Spacecraft configuration table, used for data compression. |
PRIM_HUF | Huffman table for undifferenced data | Spacecraft configuration table, used for data compression. |
QUAL_BIT | Quality flags | Place-holder field; currently not implemented. |
SPM | SPM number (0, 1, 2, 3) | Science Processing Module. Each TESS data mode is collected by a different SPM number. For the FFIs, SPM=2. |
TIME | Beginning of integration in SCT (seconds) | Second counter for spacecraft on-board clock. |
CADENCE | Cadence number since start of data collection | Cadence 0 is approximately defined as the time that TESS was launched, 2018 April 18 23-00-00 UTC. |
CRM | Whether or not cosmic ray were mitigated | If true, cosmic rays were mitigated on-board. |
Orbit Identifier, o1a, o1b, o2a, o2b |
Introduced for TESS Extended Mission 2, identifies which half (a, b) of the orbit (1, 2) |
CAMNUM | Camera Number | Camera Number (1 through 4). |
CCDNUM | CCD number | CCD number (1 through 4). |
SCIPIXS | Pixel indices with science data. Pixels outside of this region are collateral pixels, used for calibration. Always equal to "[45:2092,1:2048]". | |
GAIN_A | e/ADU for CCD Sector A | Conversion factor of ADU to photoelectrons. |
GAIN_B | e/ADU for CCD Sector B | |
GAIN_C | e/ADU for CCD Sector C | |
GAIN_D | e/ADU for CCD Sector D | |
UNITS | Units (ADU or electrons) | Always equal to "electrons". |
EQUINOX | Always set to epoch 2000.0. | |
INSTRUME | Always set to "TESS Photometer". | |
TELESCOP | Always set to "TESS". | |
FILTER | Always set to "TESS". | |
MJD-BEG | Same as STARTTJD but in JD. | |
MJD-END | Same as ENDTJD but in JD. | |
TESS_X | Spacecraft X coord, J2000 (km from barycenter) | Position of TESS used for barycentric correction. Matches SPICE conventions: axes are aligned with J2000 ICRS, but the origin is centered at the solar system barycenter. X-axis points at vernal equinox. |
TESS_Y | Spacecraft Y coord, J2000 (km from barycenter) | As above. Y-axis is orthogonal to X. |
TESS_Z | Spacecraft Z coord, J2000 (km from barycenter) | As above. Z-axis points at north celestial pole. |
TESS_VX | Spacecraft X velocity (km/s) | Velocity relative to barycenter. |
TESS_VY | Spacecraft Y velocity (km/s) | Velocity relative to barycenter. |
TESS_VZ | pacecraft Z velocity (km/s) | Velocity relative to barycenter. |
RA_TARG | Right Ascension of center of image [deg.]. | Same as CRVAL1, matches MAST convention. |
DEC_TARG | Declination of center of image [deg.]. | Same as CRVAL2, matches MAST convention. |
RMSA | WCS fit resid all targs [arcsec] | Metric for quality of WCS fit. |
RMSB | WCS fit resid bright (Tmag<10) targs [arcsec] | |
RMSF | WCS fit resid faint (Tmag>10) targs [arcsec] | |
RMSAP | WCS fit resid all targs [pixel] | |
RMSBP | WCS fit resid bright (Tmag<10) targs [pixel] | |
RMSBF | WCS fit resid faint (Tmag>10) targs [pixel] | |
RMSX0 | WCS fit resid extra 0 [arcsec] | |
RMSX1 | WCS fit resid extra 1 [arcsec] | |
RMSX2 | WCS fit resid extra 2 [arcsec] | |
RMSX3 | WCS fit resid extra 3 [arcsec] | |
WCSGDF | Fraction of control point targs valid | |
CTRPCOL | Subregion analysis blocks over columns | For efficient searching, queries to MAST are broken into subregions. |
CTRPROW | Subregion analysis blocks over rows | As above. |
FLXWIN | Width in pixels of Flux-weight centroid region | |
CHECKSUM | HDU checksum | |
DATASUM | Data unit checksum |
Data Access
NEW! TICA FFIs are available via the TESSCut service. To use TICA data when making your cutout, select "TICA" under the "Product" drop-down.
There are some key differences between the cutouts created from the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC, i.e., TESS Mission) and the TICA products, as detailed here:
- In the TICA FFIs, and the resulting cutouts, flux measurements are given in units of electrons, 'e-'. For SPOC, flux is given in units of 'e-/s'.
- TICA FFIs do not include data quality flags.
- The TICA calibration pipeline does not propogate errors. As such, the TICA FFIs do not give a measurement of the flux error.
- Because the TICA and SPOC products are calibrated using different pipelines and different WCS solutions, there are small, but statistically significant offsets in the physical and WCS alignment between SPOC and TICA cutouts. For most applications, these differences will be unimportant, but users that require very accurate astrometry (<2'', or ≲0.1 pixels) should be aware of these offsets.
NOTE: After TICA FFIs are available via bulk download, it takes several days for those same FFIs to become available via the TESSCut user interface.
Make a cutout of a TICA FFI time series for a region of the sky.
Bulk Downloads