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Column Data Type Description
SDSS_ID bigint Unique SDSS ID
nChild int Number of children if this is a deblened composite object. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild==1, the non-BRIGHT sibling.
SDSS_RA float RA in J2000 from SpecObj (deg)
SDSS_RA_ERROR float RA error in J2000 from SpecObj (deg)
SDSS_DEC float Declination in J2000 from SpecObj (deg)
SDSS_DEC_ERROR float Declination error in J2000 from SpecObj (deg)
SDSS_type int Morphological type classification of the object.
psfMag_u float PSF flux in u band (mag)
psfMag_g float PSF flux in g band (mag)
psfMag_r float PSF flux in r band (mag)
psfMag_i float PSF flux in i band (mag)
psfMag_z float PSF flux in z band (mag)
psfMagErr_u float PSF flux error in u band (mag)
psfMagErr_g float PSF flux error in g band (mag)
psfMagErr_r float PSF flux error in r band (mag)
psfMagErr_i float PSF flux error in i band (mag)
psfMagErr_z float PSF flux error in z band (mag)
expMag_u float Exponential fit magnitude in u band (mag)
expMag_g float Exponential fit magnitude in g band (mag)
expMag_r float Exponential fit magnitude in r band (mag)
expMag_i float Exponential fit magnitude in i band (mag)
expMag_z float Exponential fit magnitude in z band (mag)
expMagErr_u float Exponential fit magnitude error in u band (mag)
expMagErr_g float Exponential fit magnitude error in g band (mag)
expMagErr_r float Exponential fit magnitude error in r band (mag)
expMagErr_i float Exponential fit magnitude error in i band (mag)
expMagErr_z float Exponential fit magnitude error in z band (mag)
expAB_u float Exponential fit b/a in u band
expAB_g float Exponential fit b/a in g band
expAB_r float Exponential fit b/a in r band
expAB_i float Exponential fit b/a in i band
expAB_z float Exponential fit b/a in z band
expABErr_u float Exponential fit b/a error in u band
expABErr_g float Exponential fit b/a error in g band
expABErr_r float Exponential fit b/a error in r band
expABErr_i float Exponential fit b/a error in i band
expABErr_z float Exponential fit b/a error in z band
deVMag_u float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in u band (mag)
deVMag_g float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in g band (mag)
deVMag_r float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in r band (mag)
deVMag_i float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in i band (mag)
deVMag_z float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in z band (mag)
deVMagErr_u float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in u band (mag)
deVMagErr_g float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in g band (mag)
deVMagErr_r float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in r band (mag)
deVMagErr_i float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in i band (mag)
deVMagErr_z float de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in z band (mag)
deVAB_u float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in u band
deVAB_g float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in g band
deVAB_r float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in r band
deVAB_i float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in i band
deVAB_z float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in z band
deVABErr_u float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in u band
deVABErr_g float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in g band
deVABErr_r float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in r band
deVABErr_i float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in i band
deVABErr_z float de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in z band
petroMag_u float Petrosian magnitude in u band (mag)
petroMag_g float Petrosian magnitude in g band (mag)
petroMag_r float Petrosian magnitude in r band (mag)
petroMag_i float Petrosian magnitude in i band (mag)
petroMag_z float Petrosian magnitude in z band (mag)
petroMagErr_u float Petrosian magnitude error in u band (mag)
petroMagErr_g float Petrosian magnitude error in g band (mag)
petroMagErr_r float Petrosian magnitude error in r band (mag)
petroMagErr_i float Petrosian magnitude error in i band (mag)
petroMagErr_z float Petrosian magnitude error in z band (mag)
flags1 bigint Photo Object Attribute Flags (bitmask)
flags2 string Photo Object Attribute Flags (converted to bit labels)
flags_u bigint Object detection flags per band in u band
flags_g bigint Object detection flags per band in g band
flags_r bigint Object detection flags per band in r band
flags_i bigint Object detection flags per band in i band
flags_z bigint Object detection flags per band in z band
edge int Number of observations of this object near an edge
u_sat int ???
g_sat int ???
r_sat int ???
i_sat int ???
z_sat int ???
u_cr int ???
g_cr int ???
r_cr int ???
i_cr int ???
z_cr int ???
probPSF_u int??? Probablity object is a star in u band
probPSF_g int??? Probablity object is a star in g band
probPSF_r int??? Probablity object is a star in r band
probPSF_i int??? Probablity object is a star in i band
probPSF_z int??? Probablity object is a star in z band
psffwhm_u float FWHM in u-band (arcsec)
psffwhm_g float FWHM in g-band (arcsec)
psffwhm_r float FWHM in r-band (arcsec)
psffwhm_i float FWHM in i-band (arcsec)
psffwhm_z float FWHM in z-band (arcsec)
specObj_ID bigint Pointer to the spectrum of object, if exists, else 0
plate int Plate ID
mjd int MJD of observation
fiber_ID int Fiber ID
redshift float Final Redshift
redshiftErr float Redshift error
specType int ???
class string Spectroscopic class (GALAXY, QSO, or STAR)
subClass string Spectroscopic subclass
class_person string ???
elodieSpType string ???
B_V_color float B-V color
Teff float ???
logG float ???
metallicity float ???
elodie_redshift float ???
elodie_redshiftErr float ???
propermotion float ???
usno_red1 float ???
usno_red2 float ???
usno_blue1 float ???
usno_blue2 float ???
run int Run number
rerun int Rerun number
camcol int Camera column
field int Field number
dstArcSec float ???
distanceRank int ???
reverseDistanceRank int ???
multipleMatchCount int ???
reverseMultipleMatchCount int ???