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Mission Overview

Targeting Extremely Magnified Panchromatic Lensed Arcs and their Extended Star formation (TEMPLATES)


Primary Investigator: Jane Rigby, Joaquin Vieira

HLSP Authors: Keren Sharon, Justin Spilker, Michael Florian, Jane Rigby

Released: 2022-10-05

Updated: 2022-10-05

Primary Reference(s): Sharon et al. 2022

DOI: 10.17909/zqax-2y86

Citations: See ADS Statistics

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Source Data:

TEMPLATES will obtain JWST spectra of four gravitationally lensed galaxies. The pictures show these galaxies as seen by HST/ALMA.



The TEMPLATES program is designed to obtain high signal-to-noise NIRSpec and MIRI IFU spectroscopy, with accompanying imaging, for 4 gravitationally lensed galaxies at 1<z<4. This program aims to spatially resolve the star formation in galaxies across the peak of cosmic star formation, in an extinction-robust manner. Lensing magnification pushes JWST to the highest spatial resolutions possible at these redshifts, to map the key spectral diagnostics of star formation and dust extinction: H-alpha, Pa-alpha, and 3.3um PAH within individual distant galaxies. The targets are among the brightest, best-characterized lensed systems known, and span a wide range of specific star formation rate, extinction, and luminosity. They have extensive ancillary datasets. The TEMPLATES science goals are: 1) demonstrate extinction-robust star formation rate diagnostics for distant galaxies; 2) determine the physical scales of star formation in distant galaxies, in an extinction-robust way; 3) measure specific star formation rates and compare the spatial distribution of the young and old stars; and 4) measure the physical conditions of star formation and their spatial variation.

This program uses key instrument modes, heavily exercising the NIRSpec and MIRI IFUs. The resulting science-enabling data products demonstrate JWST’s capabilities and provide the extragalactic science community with rich datasets. In four deliveries, the team will provide high-quality Level 3 data cubes and mosaics, empirical star formation diagnostics, maps of star formation, extinction, and physical properties, a tool for comparing NIRSpec and MIRI data cubes, and cookbooks on data reduction, analysis, and calibration strategy.

The high level science products (HLSPs) will be released in several steps:

  • Early release:
    • Delivery 1:  Existing lens models; high-level HST, Spitzer, and ALMA data
    • Delivery 1a: Simulated raw and science-ready JWST data; pipeline cookbook; improved lens models
  • Post launch releases:
    • Delivery 2: L+10 months. Level 3 data products and cookbooks; plot of SNR versus surface brightness for IFUs
    • Delivery 3: L+13 months. High-level science products: maps of H alpha, emission line ratios, extinction, source-plane reconstructions, SED fits
    • Delivery 4: L+19 months. Clean-up delivery of improved data products

Data Products

All TEMPLATES files are organized into directories with the following structure:



  • <target> is the target name, one of "sdssj1226p2152", "sdssJ1723p3411", "spt0418-47" or "spt2147-50".
  • <product> is the product type, one of "hst", "spitzer", "alma" or "lens_models".

HST Data

Image mosaics for each target from HST are named according to the following convention:



  • <inst> is the instrument, one of "acs" or "wfc3".
  • <target> is the target name.
  • <filter> is the filter name.
  • <type> is the type of image file, either science ("drc-sci", "drz-sci"), weight map ("drz-wht"), or PSF ("psf").

Data file types:

_drc-sci.fits Drizzled HST science image
_drc-sci.fits Drizzled HST science image with charge transfer efficiency correction
_drz-wht.fits Drizzled HST weight image
_psf.fits HST point spread function (PSF) file

Spitzer Data

Image mosaics from Spitzer for SDSS J1226+2152 and SDSS J1723+3411 are grouped into folders named by the IRAC channel ("irac_ch1/" and "irac_ch2/") and named according to the following convention:



  • <target> is the target name, one of "sdssj1226p2152" or "sdssJ1723p3411".
  • <channel> is the Spitzer/IRAC channel name, one of "ch1" or "ch2".
  • <type> is the type of image file, one of "mosaic", "mosaic-unc" or "mosaic-cov".

Data file types:


Outlier-rejected mosaicked Spitzer image


Coverage depth — number of good Spitzer exposures that were used in each pixel

-mosaic-unc.fits One sigma uncertainty on the Spitzer image


Dust continuum images from ALMA are named according to the following convention:



  • <target> is the target name, one of "sdssj1226p2152" or "sdssJ1723p3411".
  • <wavelength> is the rest wavelength.
  • <resolution> is the resolution of the synthesized beam.

Data file types:


ALMA dust continuum image without primary beam correction


ALMA dust continuum image with primary beam correction


Lens Models

Expand the box below for information about lens model files:


Data Access

Individual data files can be accessed from cURL scripts for downloading groups of files, organized by target, are linked in the tables below. These tables also include pertinent citation information for each dataset. 

SDSS J1226+2152
Source Files Citation
HST All images (F606W, F814W, F110W, F140W, F160W)

Sharon et al. 2022

Spitzer All images (Channel 1, Channel 2)

Florian et al. 2021

Lens Model Files Version 0 Tejos et al. 2021
Version 1 Sharon et al. 2022


SDSS J1723+3411
Source Files Citation
HST All images (F110W, F160W, F390W, F775W)

Sharon et al. 2020, Florian et al. 2021

Spitzer All images (Channel 1, Channel 2)

Florian et al. 2021

Lens Model Files

Version 1

Sharon et al. 2020, Florian et al. 2021


SPT 0418-47
Source Files Citation
HST All images (F140W)

J. Ma et al. 2015

ALMA All images  (120um, 160um, 380um)

Spilker et al. 2016


SPT 2147-50
Source Files Citation
HST All images (F140W)

J. Ma et al. 2015

ALMA All images (160um, 300um, 380um, 450um)

Spilker et al. 2016


Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
