Mission Overview



Primary Investigator: Kyle Finner

HLSP AuthorsKyle Finner, BoMee Lee, Ranga-Ram Chary, M. James Jee, Christopher Hirata, Giuseppe Congedo, Peter Taylor, Kim Hyeonghan

Released: 2024-03-26

Updated: 2024-03-26

Primary Reference(s): Finner et al. 2023

DOI: 10.17909/f6hb-ez10

Citations: See ADS Statistics

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candelsnirwl astrometric offset

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Astrometric offset distribution of the CANDELS mosaic and the NIRWL mosaic

The figure has five histograms, one for each of the CANDELS fields, that display the astrometric offset of Gaia DR3 star positions from star positions in the CANDELS Treasury mosaics and those in the NIRWL mosaics. The histograms show that the NIRWL mosaics are better aligned to Gaia than the Treasury mosaics.

Astrometric offset of the CANDELS Treasury Mosaics  v1.0 (gray) and the mosaics produced in this work (blue) from the positions of stars in the proper motion–corrected Gaia catalog DR3. Vertical dashed (this work) and dotted (Treasury) lines mark the median astrometric offset. On average, the updated mosaics have an astrometric offset from the Gaia catalog of 0.02’’, a factor of several improvements compared to the Treasury mosaics.

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the COSMOS field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 to the corresponding star positions in the CANDELS Treasury v1.0 image (Left) and the NIRWL image (Right). The circles represent the star positions from the Gaia DR3 catalog. The lines represent the magnitude and direction of the offset from the Gaia DR3 star positions to the star positions in the respective mosaic. The average astrometric offsets have been improved in the NIRWL image, and systematic variations have been reduced. 

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the EGS field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the EGS field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 to the corresponding star positions in the CANDELS Treasury v1.0 image (Left) and the NIRWL image (Right). The circles represent the star positions from the Gaia DR3 catalog. The lines represent the magnitude and direction of the offset from the Gaia DR3 star positions to the star positions in the respective mosaic. The average astrometric offsets have been improved in the NIRWL image, and systematic variations have been reduced. 

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the GOODS-N field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the GOODS-N field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 to the corresponding star positions in the CANDELS Treasury v1.0 image (Left) and the NIRWL image (Right). The circles represent the star positions from the Gaia DR3 catalog. The lines represent the magnitude and direction of the offset from the Gaia DR3 star positions to the star positions in the respective mosaic. The average astrometric offsets have been improved in the NIRWL image, and systematic variations have been reduced. 

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the GOODS-S field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the GOODS-S field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 to the corresponding star positions in the CANDELS Treasury v1.0 image (Left) and the NIRWL image (Right). The circles represent the star positions from the Gaia DR3 catalog. The lines represent the magnitude and direction of the offset from the Gaia DR3 star positions to the star positions in the respective mosaic. The average astrometric offsets have been improved in the NIRWL image, and systematic variations have been reduced. 

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the UDS field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 in the UDS field

Astrometric offset of star positions from Gaia DR3 to the corresponding star positions in the CANDELS Treasury v1.0 image (Top) and the NIRWL image (Bottom). The circles represent the star positions from the Gaia DR3 catalog. The lines represent the magnitude and direction of the offset from the Gaia DR3 star positions to the star positions in the respective mosaic. The average astrometric offsets have been improved in the NIRWL image, and systematic variations have been reduced. 


The NIRWL team has prepared new mosaics covering the CANDELS fields: The UltraDeep Survey (UDS), GOODS South (GS), GOODS North (GN), The Extended Groth Strip (EGS), and the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) in the HST F160W filter. The mosaics are drizzled to a pixel scale of 0.05’’ using the Gaussian kernel. The mosaics are aligned to the Gaia DR3 catalog to ±0.02 arcsec. Proper motions were included when aligning the frames to Gaia DR3. These mosaics have been corrected for systematic astrometric misalignments found in previous versions of the CANDELS F160W mosaics.

These carefully aligned mosaics have been created to perform a weak lensing analysis and search for large-scale overdensities. The spatially and temporally varying PSF of each mosaic has been constructed from the individual frames and characterized in the team's primary paper, Finner et al. (2023). Systematic effects that can affect galaxy shape measurements on the NIRWL mosaics are investigated.  

Data Products

Data file naming convention:



  • <field> is a CANDELS field, one of "uds", "gs", "gn", "egs", and "cosmos"
  • <prodType> is one of "sci", "wht", or "rms".

Data file types:

_sci.fits Science image, the output of the Drizzle algorithm, and is in counts/s
_wht.fits Weight image, the output of the Drizzle algorithm
_rms.fits RMS image created by (weight image)-1/2

Data Access

All observations are available in the MAST Portal and astroquery. Set the 'Provenance Name' filter to CANDELSNIRWL in the Portal Advanced Search to match all observations. The weight and RMS images can be downloaded with their science image as a bundle or individually retrieved by selecting the download basket. The observations can also be retrieved programmatically using the astroquery.mast module. The code example below retrieves all products.

from astroquery.mast import Observations
all_obs = Observations.query_criteria(provenance_name="candelsnirwl")
data_products = Observations.get_product_list(all_obs)
  • A web-based interface for cross-mission searches of data at MAST or the Virtual Observatory
  • Search for and retrieve CANDELSNIRWL data products programmatically.


Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
