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How Do I Select Only ULLYSES HLSP Files In The Portal (Before or After I Do A Search)?


You can load all the ULLYSES datasets in the Portal before you do any searching or filtering using the Advanced Search feature.  Click on the images to see the full-sized versions.

Portal Advanced Search

The Avanced Search can be found just below the target search box.

Filter On Provenance

You can load the entire ULLYSES collection by using the Provenance Name filter.  You can either type in "ULLYSES" or expand the checkboxes and select ULLYSES. When ready, press the Search button in the top left corner and it will load all the ULLYSES datasets into the Search Results grid.

ULLYSES Loaded In Search Results Grid

You'll notice all the datasets that are loaded are from the ULLYSES HLSP. If you want to select further subsets, you can always use the filter panel on the left.



You can also filter for ULLYSES products after doing a Portal search of any kind using the Provenance Name. Click on the images to see the full-sized versions.

Cone Search Of SMC

After you do any search in the Portal, you can also filter on the Provenance Name using the Filter Panel on the left. In this search, we have not done any filtering yet, but we see ULLYSES listed in the set of Provenance Names.

Filter On ULLYSES Only

If we select ULLYSES then we only see those results in the Search Results Grid.  We can apply additional filters using the left panel to do further selections, and you can click on more than one at a time.