Mission Overview
Map of Observations
Wavelength Coverage
- MaNGA, eBOSS, SDSS Legacy: 3621-10354 Å
- APOGEE: 1.51-1.7 µm
- SDSS Imaging: ugriz filters, 3551-8931 Å
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is an international collaboration producing wide-field imaging and high-resolution spectroscopic surveys since 1998. The SDSS Legacy Archive at MAST is the collection of science-ready SDSS data which is hosted at MAST. This includes all unique, final, science-ready data products across all data releases through SDSS-V, including images, spectra, catalogs and Value Added Catalogs (VACs).
The SDSS Legacy Archive at MAST currently includes data from the SDSS-IV MaNGA, APOGEE, and eBOSS surveys. More surveys and data products will be added soon.
Active From
- SDSS-I: 1998-2005
- SDSS-II: 2005-2008
- SDSS-III: 2008-2014
- SDSS-IV: 2014-2020
- SDSS-V: 2020-Present
MaNGA, eBOSS, SDSS Legacy: R~2,000
APOGEE: R~22,500
SDSS Imaging: 0.396 arcsec/pixel
Apache Point Observatory SDSS 2.5-M
Apache Point Observatory NMSU 1.0-M
Las Campanas Observatory du Pont 2.5-M
On this Page
The SDSS Legacy Archive at MAST User Manual
March 21, 2025
The SDSS Archive Manual website contains data product overviews, summaries of MAST tools, and tutorials on how to interact with SDSS data at MAST.

All Surveys at MASTSDSS consists of a number of surveys programs defined by different instrumentation and scientific motivation. The surveys available at MAST are listed below.
Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment; high-resolution infrared spectroscopic survey of over 650,000 unique stars.
The Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) provides 1D optical spectra of 3.9 million quasars, galaxies, and stars.
Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory; Optical wide-field IFU spectroscopic survey of over 10,000 low-redshift galaxies.
The SDSS Legacy Archive at MAST is under active development: more SDSS surveys and data products will be added soon!
Search Tools
There are several interfaces for accessing SDSS data at MAST. For more information, see the Data Access page in the Archive Manual for instructions on accessing and downloading SDSS data at MAST.
MAST Portal
A web-based interface for cross-mission searches of data at MAST or the Virtual Observatory.
- In the MAST Search Portal, SDSS data can be found in an Advanced Search by searching for Mission = "SDSS" or using the Provenance Name field for a specific survey (for example Provenance Name = "APOGEE" or Provenance Name = "MaNGA", not case sensitive).
The user guide for how to search and download SDSS data using the MAST Portal is available here. - For astroquery.mast, the following example code demonstrates how to search for SDSS data in Python. More example queries for SDSS data can be found in the SDSS Archive Manual
from astroquery.mast import Observations
# Search for all SDSS targets
all_obs = Observations.query_criteria(obs_collection="sdss")
# Search for MaNGA data only
all_obs = Observations.query_criteria(provenance_name="manga")
data_products = Observations.get_product_list(all_obs)
Featured Data Products
All Data Products-
Images & Photometry
The SDSS Imaging survey provides wide-field imaging and ugriz photometry for 14,055 square degrees of sky. -
APOGEE, MaNGA, eBOSS, and the SDSS Legacy surveys provide optical and infrared spectroscopy of a combined millions of stars and galaxies. -
Spectral Cubes
The MaNGA survey provides 3D spectral cubes and galaxy maps containing velocities, spectral index and emission line measurements. -
All SDSS surveys provide catalogs of source lists, observation metadata, and derived measurements for their targets, as well as community-contributed value-added catalogs.
All Notebook Tutorials-
APOGEE Notebook Tutorial
Jupyter Notebook tutorial for downloading APOGEE data from MAST, plotting stellar spectra from APOGEE with light curves from TESS to characterize different types of variable stars. -
MaNGA Notebook Tutorial
Jupyter Notebook tutorial for accessing MaNGA data at MAST, and making an H-alpha emission map for interacting galaxy pair Mrk-848B. -
Astroquery.MAST Tutorials
Beginner-level tutorials for how to use astroquery to search and download MAST data using Python.