Mission Overview

BlueTides Mock Image Catalogue (BlueTides)


Primary Investigator: Madeline A. Marshall

HLSP AuthorsKatelyn Watts, Stephen Wilkins, Tiziana Di Matteo, Jussi K. Kuusisto, William J. Roper, Aswin P. Vijayan, Yueying Ni, Yu Feng, Rupert A. C. Croft

Released: 2022-08-01

Updated: 2022-08-01

Primary Reference(s): Marshall et al. 2022

DOI: 10.17909/er09-4527

Citations: See ADS Statistics

ReadMe: md | pdf



Now showing slide 1 of 2

Simulated z=7 galaxies: JWST, HST, Roman

Y band images of three simulated z=7 galaxies in JWST, HST, Roman filters.

Example Y-band images from the catalogue of three z=7 BlueTides galaxies in JWST, HST and Roman filters. Note that the Euclid, VISTA, and Subaru images (next figure) cover larger area (10x10 pkpc) than the JWST, HST and Roman images (6x6 pkpc, this figure). These images do not contain noise.

Simulated z=7 galaxies: Euclid, VISTA, Subaru

Simulated z=7 galaxies from BlueTides in Euclid, VISTA and Subaru filters.

Example Y-band images from the catalogue of three z=7 BlueTides galaxies in Euclid, VISTA and Subaru filters. Note that the Euclid, VISTA, and Subaru images (this figure) cover larger area (10x10 pkpc) than the JWST, HST and Roman images (6x6 pkpc, previous figure). These images do not contain noise.


The BlueTides Mock Image Catalog is a collection of simulated views of ~100,000 galaxies with MUV≃ −22.5 to −19.6 mag. These were generated by the BlueTides hydrodynamical simulation at z = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The Catalog includes mock images of these galaxies with the James Webb, Hubble, Nancy Grace Roman, and Euclid Space Telescopes, as well as Subaru and VISTA, in a range of near- and mid-infrared filters. The catalogue is described in detail in Marshall et al. (2022).

These images are created from the stellar particle distribution of BlueTides galaxies, as determined through the detailed hydrodynamics of the cosmological simulation. Each star particle in each galaxy is assigned an SED based on its age and metallicity, and nebular continuum, line emission, and dust attenuation are modelled. Fluxes are taken from a convolution of the SEDs with the various filter transmission curves. The images show the 6x6 or 10x10 kpc fields of view surrounding each galaxy, depending on the telescope. The images are binned onto a pixel scale of 0.5 times the native pixel scale of each instrument. These images are convolved with model PSFs, to produce realistic estimates of what true images with these telescopes would look like, although non-convolved images are also available. The catalogue images have no noise, so that they can be adapted for specific use cases. Software for adding noise is available on GitHub, alongside software for accessing and visualising the catalogue data.

Data Products

Data files containing images of simulated galaxies are named according to the following convention:



  • <observatory> is the simulated observatory (i.e., one of "jwst", "hst", "roman", "euclid", "vista", "subaru").
  • <inst> is the simulated instrument.
  • <redshift> is the redshift of the simulated galaxies
    • To reduce large file sizes for <redshift>=7, these files are split into four parts, with names "z7-file<part>" for <part>="1", "2", "3" or "4".
  • <filter> is the simulated imaging filter.
  • <psf> denotes whether or not the images have been convolved by model point spread functions (PSFs), either "psf" or "nopsf".

A table containing assorted physical and observed properties of each BlueTides galaxy in the catalog is named according to the following convention:


Data file types:

_sim-{psf,nopsf}.fits Simulated images of BlueTides galaxies with and without convolution by model PSF ("psf", "nopsf", respectively). 
_sim.csv Catalog of physical and observed BlueTides galaxy properties

Data Access

The table containing information about the physical and observed properties of each BlueTides galaxy can be downloaded here (see README file, linked at the top of the page, for more details). 

cURL scripts for downloading simulated images (all, with PSF and without PSF convolution) are included in the following tables below, organized by simulated observatory, by redshift, and a script for downloading all BlueTides files.

cURL Scripts by Observatory
JWST All (62 GB)



HST All (5.4 GB) PSF  No PSF
Roman All (12 GB) PSF  No PSF 


All (4 GB) PSF  No PSF 


All (6.6 GB) PSF  No PSF 


All (4 GB) PSF  No PSF 


cURL Scripts by Redshift
z=7 All (64 GB) PSF  No PSF 
z=8 All (22 GB) PSF  No PSF 
z=9 All (6.1 GB) PSF  No PSF 


All (1.6 GB)  PSF  No PSF 


All (0.3 GB)  PSF No PSF 


All (0.1 GB) PSF  No PSF 


cURL Script for All Files
All Files (93 GB) PSF




Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
