Mission Overview

Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS - Catalogs ("PHANGS-CAT")

Primary Investigator: Janice C. Lee

HLSP Authors:  David Thilker, Bradley Whitmore, Janice C. Lee, Sinan Deger, Daniel Maschman, Kirsten Larson, Stephen Hannon, Aida Wofford, James Lilly

Released: 2022-02-08

Updated: 2024-06-17

Primary Reference(s): Lee et al. 2022Additional References

DOI: 10.17909/jray-9798

Citations: See ADS Statistics

Read Me (DR4)

Read Me



Now showing slide 1 of 8

Location of Class 1 and 2 Clusters In NGC 1566

Map showing locations of Class 1 and Class 2 clusters, color-coded by age.

From Thilker et al. (2022), map of machine learning classified clusters in NGC 1566, color coded by age.  Spiral arms are indicated.

NGC 3627 Clusters and Associations

Clusters in NGC 3627 overlaid on an image of the galaxy.

Visualization of multi-scale associations and compact clusters in NGC 3627, detected using the methods of Thilker et al. (2022) and Larson et al. (2022, in prep.)

Age-Mass Diagram for NGC 1566

Plot of log(Mass) vs. log(Age) for clusters in NGC 1566.

From Thilker et al. (2022), age-mass diagram for Class 1 and 2 clusters in NGC 1566 confirmed with machine learning or human classification.

UB-VI-M_20 Diagram From Deger et al 2022

UB-VI-M_20 three-dimensional plot of an isolated cluster and compact association sample.

From Deger et al. (2022), The UB-VI-M_{20} diagram of a bright, isolated cluster and compact association sample.

Evolutionary Tracks Compared To Class 1/2/3 Structure

Four-panel plot showing evolutionary tracks of synthetic population models compared to Class 1/2/3 structures.

From Deger et al. (2022), NUVB-VI (top) and UB-VI (bottom) evolutionary tracks of various synthetic stellar population models compared to class 1/2/3 structures.

Age-Mass and Age-Reddening Diagrams For NGC 3351 From 16-pc-scale Associations

Plots showing age-mass and age-reddening for NGC 3351 compared to associations of Class 1/2/3 sources.

From Larson et al. (2022, in prep.), age-mass and age-reddening diagrams for NGC 3351 comparing 16 pc scale associations to LEGUS Class 1, 2, 3 sources.

Associations In NGC 1566 at Three Scales Compared To ALMA CO(2-1) Emission

Associations at different scales overlaid on a CO(2-1) map from ALMA for NGC 1566.

From Larson et al. (2022, in prep.), multi-scale associations in a subsection of NGC 1566 (16, 32, 64 pc scale) compared to the distribution of CO(2-1) emission mapped by ALMA.

Color-Color Diagrams Of Class 1 and 2 Clusters From Human vs. Machine Learning

Color-color diagrams for Class 1 and 2 clusters for machine learning compared to human classifications.

From Whitmore et al. (2021), color-color diagrams for Class 1 and 2 clusters obtained via human classification (PHANGS, LEGUS, upper panels) and machine learning classification (ResNet and VGG by PHANGS, lower panels).  The plot demonstrates machine learning classification outcomes are similar to those of human-based efforts.


The PHANGS program is building a panchromatic dataset to enable the multi-phase, multi-scale study of star formation across nearby spiral galaxies.  PHANGS combines Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) CO(2-1) mapping, Very Large Telescope/Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (VLT/MUSE) optical spectroscopy, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) UV-optical imaging, and James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) infrared imaging among other supporting datasets.   PHANGS is using these data to study the star formation cycle and various phases of the interstellar medium.

Here, the team provides catalog products from the PHANGS survey. The PHANGS-HST Treasury has yielded a V-band selected census of ~100,000 star clusters and compact associations across the disks of 38 spiral galaxies (plus 1 companion dwarf galaxy) at distances of 4-23 Mpc.

DR4 - Catalog Release 2 (December 15, 2023)

Catalogs of the observed properties of star clusters and compact associations for the full sample of 38 PHANGS-HST spiral galaxies (plus 1 companion dwarf galaxy) are provided.  The catalogs include photometry for a total of ~100,000 star clusters and associations (Maschmann, Lee, Thilker, Whitmore, et al. submitted). 

Catalogs containing the physical properties based on SED fitting of the HST NUV-U-B-V-I photometry will be provided in an upcoming delivery.

Catalogs for multi-scale associations will be provided at some future date

Update 2024-06-17:  Replaced NGC 1510 and 1512 files (now version v2) because of a bug in the pipeline.

DR3 - Catalog Release 1 (February 08, 2022)

A set of catalogs for compact clusters (CLUST) and a separate set of catalogs for multi-scale associations for five galaxies (NGC 1433, NGC 1566, NGC 1559, NGC 3351, NGC 3627) are being released as part of DR3. These are described at different levels of detail in Lee et al. 2022, Whitmore et al. 2021, Thilker et al. 2022, and Larson et al. 2023.

DR2 - Image Release 2 (August 09, 2021)

Visit the PHANGS-HST HLSP page for references and documentation. Links to image products are also provided in the main PHANGS data access table.

Completes the image product release for the full PHANGS-HST sample.  It also provides convolutional neural network (CNN) models trained with deep transfer learning, for the classification of star clusters.

DR1 - Image Release 1 (Jan. 11, 2021)

Visit the PHANGS-HST HLSP page for references and documentation. Links to image products are also provided in the main PHANGS data access table.

Provides image products for observations in the NUV-U-B-V-I bands for 29 out of 38 PHANGS-HST galaxies.


15 December 2023: PHANGS-JWST processed images from Cycle 1 are now publicly available through https://archive.stsci.edu/hlsp/phangs-jwst


30 April 2021: Associated ALMA and MUSE data are now publicly available through the PHANGS CANFAR site or https://sites.google.com/view/phangs/home/data

Data Products Description

DR4 - Catalog Release 2

A set of 4 catalogs is provided for each of 40 targets: 37 individual galaxies + 1 companion dwarf galaxy (NGC 1510) + NGC 628C + NGC 628E.  The two pointings for NGC628 (NGC628C and NGC628E) are treated as separate targets because the V-band observations were obtained with two different instruments (ACS and WFC3). 

Changes relative to DR3 include (1) careful removal of artifacts (e.g., masks for bright stars, diffraction spikes) and non-clusters (e.g., background galaxies).  This results in a 8% decrease in the size of the ML-classified DR3 catalogs.  (2) Machine learning classifications for DR4 are determined using neural network models trained entirely on PHANGS sources and classifications as described in Hannon et al. (2023) (supersedes initial models of Wei et al. 2020). (3) Compact associations (class 3), as identified in the cluster pipeline, are provided in DR4.  The completeness of associations in these catalog is likely low (see Lee et al. 2022, section 4.7).  For science applications requiring complete samples of associations, multi-scale association catalogs generated using watershed algorithms (Larson et al. 2023, as provided in DR3) are recommended. Catalogs for multi-scale associations for 5 galaxies were provided in DR3, and catalogs for the remaining PHANGS galaxies may be provided at some future date.

The catalog files have the following naming convention:



  • <ins> = Name of instrument, either "uvis" or "acs-uvis" if both instruments used in the catalog
  • <target> = Name of galaxy, e.g., "ngc1566"
  • <filter> = "multi", since all the catalogs include data from several filters
  • <version> = "v1" for version 1 of the catalogs
  • <type> = Type of file:
    • For CLUSTER (class 1 & 2) catalog files:
    • 2x40 files: one file for each of 2 classification methods (human, machine) and 40 targets
      • "obs-human-cluster-class12.fits"
      • "obs-machine-cluster-class12.fits"
    • For COMPACT ASSOCIATION (class 3) catalog files:
    •  2x40 files: one file for each of  2 classification methods (human, machine) and 40 targets
      • "obs-human-compact-association-class3.fits"
      • "obs-machine-compact-association-class3.fits"
    • 2x3 files: one file for each of 3 regions (YCL, MAP, OGC), and 2 classification methods (human, machine)
      • "ycl-human-ubvi.txt" "map-human-ubvi.txt" "ogc-human-ubvi.txt
      • "ycl-machine-ubvi.txt" "map-machine-ubvi.txt" "ogc-machine-ubvi.txt"
    • 2x3 files: one file for each of 3 regions (YCL, MAP, OGC), and 2 classification methods (human, machine)
      • "ycl-human-nuvbvi.txt" "map-human-nuvbvi.txt" "ogc-human-nuvbvi.txt"
      • "ycl-machine-nuvbvi.txt" "map-machine-nuvbvi.txt" "ogc-machine-nuvbvi.txt"

DR3 - Catalog Release 1

The catalog files have the following naming convention:



  • <ins> = Name of instrument, either "wfc3" or "acs-wfc3" if both instruments used in the catalog
  • <target> = Name of galaxy, e.g., "ngc1566"
  • <filter> = "multi", since all the catalogs include data from several filters
  • <version> = "v1" for version 1 of the catalogs
  • <type> = Type of file:
    • For CLUSTER files:
      • one of "cluster-human-class12.fits" or "cluster-ml-class12.fits"
    • For ASSOC files:
      • At the galaxy level:
        • "assoc-brightstarmask.reg" = circular regions used to eliminate objects around bright stars
      • At the association level:
        • "assoc-<selection band>-<scalepc>-main.fits" = main catalog
        • "assoc-<selection band>-<scalepc>-idmask.fits" = segmentation map
        • "assoc-<selection band>-<scalepc>-peaks.reg" = position of the peak flux in each region
        • "assoc-<selection band>-<scalepc>-region.reg" = DS9 region file showing outline of the region
      • where:
        • <selection band> = wavelength band used for selection, one of "nuvselect" (F275W) or "vselect" (F555W)
        • <scalepc> = the size scale in parsecs used to form associations (one of "ws8pc", "ws16pc", "ws32pc", or "ws64pc", where "ws" stands for "watershed method"

Data file types:


human-classified cluster catalog, includes class 1 and class 2 clusters


machine-learning-classified cluster catalog, includes class 1 and class 2 clusters


bright star mask region file


multi-scale associaton catalog


segmentation map, values correspond to "ID" in the main catalog


region file containing peak flux positions


region file containing outline of the region

Data Access

DR4 - Catalog Release 2

Please see the data table on the PHANGS page for downloads for individual galaxy catalogs.

DR3 - Catalog Release 1

Download tar files containing every CLUSTER or ASSOC product across all available galaxies in the table below.  A copy of the README files are included in each tar file, but are also linked on their own for direct access in the table below.  The README files explain the catalog columns in more detail, and also include information about the galactic extinction tables, aperture corrections, and assumed distances.


ASSOC Bundle

Catalogs: hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_all_multi_v1_cc-cats.tar.gz

Catalogs: hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_all_multi_v1_assoc-cats.tar.gz

README: hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_all_multi_v1_compact-cluster-readme.txt

README: hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_all_multi_v1_assoc-readme.txt


Download tar files containing every CLUSTER or ASSOC product for a specific galaxy using the table below.


Distance (Mpc)


NGC 1433

8.3 hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc1433_multi_v1_cc-cats.tar.gz hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc1433_multi_v1_assoc-cats.tar.gz

NGC 1559

19.4 hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc1559_multi_v1_cc-cats.tar.gz hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc1559_multi_v1_assoc-cats.tar.gz

NGC 1566

18.0 hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc1566_multi_v1_cc-cats.tar.gz hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc1566_multi_v1_assoc-cats.tar.gz

NGC 3351

10.0 hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc3351_multi_v1_cc-cats.tar.gz hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc3351_multi_v1_assoc-cats.tar.gz

NGC 3627

10.1 hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc3627_multi_v1_cc-cats.tar.gz hlsp_phangs-cat_hst_wfc3_ngc3627_multi_v1_assoc-cats.tar.gz


Information about the DR3 star cluster catalogs below may be of interest (this information is updated in DR4 and provided in Maschmann, Lee, Thilker, Whitmore, et al. submitted).






















8.3 29.6 24.1 -5.5 90 101 25.2 -4.4 209 132


19.4 31.4 23.5 -7.9 419 301 25.7 -5.8 659 494


18.0 31.3 23.5 -7.8 379 271 25.2 -6.1 796 398


10.0 30.0 24.0 -6.0 137 166 25.4 -4.6 439 246


10.1 30.0 22.5 -7.5 462 312 24.9 -5.2 1725 820



Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
