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Programmatic and Bulk Download Page

TESS Bulk Downloads

MAST offers programmatic access to many of the TESS data products. There is an API and an astroquery package that offers access to TESS data products within the Portal. You can automatically download files, given their MAST URL, using wget or cURL. For a summary of ways to search and download data, see this Archive Manual page.

On this page, you can find download options for several different TESS products. Some products are available to directly download via links, such as the engineering files. Others are provided via curl scripts to sequentially download a large number of files, such as getting all the FFI files from a given sector, or all light curve files for a given Guest Investigator program.

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Pixel Products

Bulk Download Of FFIs, Target Pixel, Light Curve, and DV Files By Sector

Visit the FFI-TP-LC-DV Bulk Downloads Page to get cURL scripts to download all the full frame images, target pixel, light curve, or data validation files for a given Sector.

Target Pixel, Light Curve, and Data Validation Files By Guest Investigator Program

Visit the Guest Investigator Bulk Downloads Page to get cURL scripts to download all light curves, target pixel files, and data validation files for a given Guest Investigator Proposal ID.

Download Co-trending Basis Vectors By Sector

Visit the CBV Downloads Page to download the co-trending basis vector FITS files for a given Sector+Camera+CCD.

Download Collateral Target Pixel Files By Sector

Visit the Collateral Target Pixel File Downloads Page to download the collateral target pixel FITS files for a given Sector.

AWS Cloud-Hosted Copy Of Data

Calibrated and uncalibrated full frame images, two-minute cadence target pixel and light curve files, and co-trending basis vectors, and FFI cubes are available on Amazon S3. Read more about how to access this dataset at:


Download TCE and TOI Catalogs In CSV Format

Visit the TCE Bulk Downloads Page to get .csv text files of all the Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) statistics from a given sector or sector range ("multi-sector").

Download TIC and CTL Catalogs In CSV Format

Visit the TIC and CTL download page to get the full catalogs as .csv files.

Engineering and Model Files

Download Engineering and Model Files

You can download engineering and model files directly through the browser. Consult the Data Products page for a complete list, file name conventions, and file locations.

Simulated Data

ETE-6 Data Products

Visit the ETE-6 homepage for download instructions and directory information.

Lilith-4 Data Products

Visit the Lilith-4 homepage for download instructions and directory information.