What Is ETE-6?

ETE-6 stands for "End-To-End 6". These data products were simulated to test the ground system, which includes the pipeline and data transfer between different institutions.

How were the ETE-6 Data Products Created?

For important information on how these data products were created, and caveats associated with these simulated data, please consult the ETE-6 Documentation TXT | PDF. If you use the ETE-6 data, please cite the RNAAS paper describing these data products.

Though the simulation was aimed at producing the most realistic synthetic science data from the standpoint of generating the pixel data, it relies on several assumptions and simplifications that may not reflect actual mission operations and instrumental and spacecraft behavior conditions. In addition, the simulation was geared towards verifying that the ground system software met its formal requirements, and therefore some aspects of the data are not realistic.

How Were the Stellar Parameters Assigned to Targets for ETE-6?

Stellar parameters were assigned from the TIC V5 catalog as documented in Stassun et al., 2018. Additional TIC V5 release notes are available that describe known limitations specific to the TIC V5 catalog. In particular, TIC V5 contains a subsample of targets with an inconsistent set of stellar log(g), radius, and mass parameters. As a by-product of this stellar parameter inconsistency, the data validation products for the transiting planet detections as part of ETE-6 contain a population of targets characterized by having a nonphysical stellar parameter assignment of log(g) > 5.0 and Teff > 5000 K. The stellar log(g), mass, and radius inconsistency was rectified in TIC V6 and later catalogs.

What Is Included In ETE-6?

ETE-6 includes samples of the following data products:


How Do I Download The Files?

The directory structures of each type of file is described here. For ETE-6 data, only downloads through a web browser or via a data transfer protocol (wget, cURL) is supported. Real mission data will be available through a variety of MAST interfaces and tools, as described in the Search Tools section.

Where Can I Find Values For <X>? / What Is The Definition Of <X>?

TESS data product formats are described in the TESS Science Data Products Description Document.

What Are The File Name Conventions?

For information about how the different data product file names are configured, see the Data Product homepage.

Full Frame Images

Programmatic Access

A total of 21,568 Full Frame Image files are provided with ETE-6. Sets of calibrated and uncalibrated versions are available. The files are sorted into the following directory structure:

  • <year> = 2019
  • <daynumber> = 129 - 157, inclusive
  • <camera> = 1 - 4, inclusive
  • <chip> = 1-4, inclusive

Here is an example path to an FFI directory for year 2019, day number 129, camera #2, chip #2, which you can use in your wget or cURL commands:




You may download individual FFI's through your browser following this link.

Bulk Downloads

For those users who need to download the entire set of FFI's, we provide cURL and wget scripts to download all the calibrated or raw FFI's associated with ETE-6. Please note, however, that this is a lot of data to download.

Data Type    
Raw FFI's cURL wget
Cal. FFI's cURL wget



Target Pixel Files, Extracted Light Curves, Data Validation Files

Programmatic Access

A total of 15,000 Target Pixel Files and Extracted Light Curves are provided with ETE-6. A subset of these simulated files have associated Data Validation files (2,734 Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) Summary Reports, 1,903 Full Data Validation Reports and Data Validation Time Series). The files are sorted into the following directory structure:


The directory structure is entirely defined by the TESS Input Catalog number (TID). The TID is a 16-digit unique identifier of a given TESS target. Each subdirectory is broken up into 1000-length bits. Here is an example path to the files for TIC ID 0000000471012795, which you can use in your wget or cURL commands:




You may download individual TPF's, light curves, or DV files through your browser following this link.

Bulk Downloads

For those users who need to download the entire set of target pixel files, extracted light curves, or data validation products, we provide cURL and wget scripts to download those associated with ETE-6. Please note, however, that this is a lot of data to download.

Data Product    
Target Pixel Files cURL wget
Extracted Light Curves cURL wget
Data Validation Products cURL wget


Cotrending Basis Vectors

Programmatic Access

A total of 16 Cotrending Basis Vectors (one for each chip) are provided with ETE-6. The files are sorted into the following directory structure:

  • <year> = 2019
  • <daynumber> = 128
  • <camera> = 1 - 4, inclusive
  • <chip> = 1-4, inclusive

For convenience, you may download the 16 Cotrending Basis Vectors directly using the table below.


Collateral Target Pixel Files

Programmatic Access

A total of 64 Cotrending Basis Vectors (four for each chip) are provided with ETE-6. The files are sorted into the following directory structure:

  • <year> = 2019
  • <daynumber> = 128
  • <type> = 'lvc', 'smr', 'tvc', or 'vro'

Here is an example path to the Leading Virtual Column (LVC) files, which you can use in your wget or cURL commands:




You may download individual Collateral Target Pixel Files through your browser:

Bulk Downloads

For those users who need to download the entire set of collateral target pixel files, we provide cURL and wget scripts to download all those associated with ETE-6. Please note, however, that this is a lot of data to download.


(Huffman tables, Mean Black table, flat-field, read-noise, linearity, gain, etc.)

You may download a variety of simulated model files via your browser following these links (example files are mixed within these four links):

"Ground Truth" Injected Signals

(e.g., injected planets and variable stars)


Users are strongly encouraged to read the documentation describing the ground truth tables. You may download summary files and individual model time series files through your browser:

Download Ground Truth README File
Category Summary File Time Series Files
BackEBs Download Files
EBs Download Files
Planets Download Files
Stars Download Files


Bulk Downloads

For those users who want to download all the model time series for a given category, we have created .tar files that are available below.

Category tar File Size (MB)
BackEBs Download 7.1
EBs Download 17
Planets Download 4.9
Stars Download 614