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STScI Newsletter
2023 / Volume / Issue

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MAST Staff - 2023 Mar 27


  • The CANDELS Lyman-⍺ Emission at Reionization (CLEARSimons, Papovich, Momcheva et al., 2023) survey is a HST Cycle 23 program that obtained 12-orbit depth observations with the HST/WFC3 in 12 fields split between the GOODS-N and GOODS-S fields from the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS). Combined with existing spectroscopic data from other programs, the dataset released here includes 1D and 2D spectra for 6048 galaxies in GOODS-South and GOODS-North. In addition, this release includes updated photometric catalogs from the 3D-HST survey, and spectroscopic catalogs that include emission line fluxes and redshifts derived from the combination of the photometry and grism spectroscopy.  View CLEAR collection page >
  • Calibrated spectra and light curves are provided for the HST/COS observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 817 in the Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping 2 (STORM2) campaign. The STORM 2 campaign used HST/COS, Swift, NICER, XMM-Newton, and ground-based facilities in a 15-month long reverberation-mapping experiment. HST observations were made in 165 single-orbit COS visits with a mean cadence of two days from 2020 November 24 through 2022 February 24.  As described in Homayouni et al. (2023), the team customized the calibrations of these spectra to provide more accurate and repeatable flux calibrations. These reprocessed spectra were then combined for each individual observation into single spectra for G130M and G160M, single merged G130M+G160M spectra, a merged spectrum for the whole data set, and extracted continuum and emission-line light curves.  View STORM2 collection page >


  • REFERENCE-ATLASES, catalogs and spectra for use in the synthetic photometry package pysynphot. This update adds a new extinction curve and an improved A-G model grid. There are 71 stellar spectra (stis), plus model (mod) for 59 stars.  View REFERENCE-ATLASES collection page >
  • TESS-SPOC calibrated light curves from TESS full frame images are now available via MAST interfaces. These Sectors add 157,015, and 159,995 target, respectively.  View TESS-SPOC collection page >
  • TGLC, PSF-based light curves from TESS Sector 3 are now available at MAST. There are now more than 6 million light curves in this HLSP collection.  View TGLC collection page >
  • TICA quick-look, calibrated TESS full frame images from Sector 62 and Sector 63, Orbit 1 are now available at MAST.  View TICA collection page >
  • ULLYSES, a UV legacy survey of massive stars and T Tauri stars. DR6 includes 59 new stars and updates for 339 previously released stars. Improved FUSE spectra, more time-series spectra, and the final epochs of the monitoring T Tauri stars.  View ULLYSES collection page >


Clear reduction examples
CLEAR:  The reduction and continuum modeling of a single G102 grism exposure. The top left panel shows the direct HST/WFC3 F105W image. The top middle and right panel show the pipeline FLT and the background- and flat-fielded processed final FLT. The wavelength increases from left to right. The bottom middle panel shows the continuum model for the sources in the field and the bottom right panel shows the residual of the observations and continuum model.
STORM2 Lyman alpha line figure
STORM2:  Rest-frame velocity-dependent time lags for the Lyα emission line. The top two panels show the Lyα mean and RMS line profile respectively. The bottom two panels show the distribution of velocity-binned lags for each 250 km s−1 bin and the associated maximum cross-correlation value r. The Ly α emission-line profile is highly contaminated by several broad absorption features both at the line center (due to N V) and in the red wing (as indicated by open symbols). However, the blue wing shows a clear signature of virialized Ly α gas where high-velocity gas responds more rapidly, and low-velocity gas that is toward the line center responds later. Detailed absorption models are needed to extract the underlying Ly α emission-line profile and recover the velocity-dependent lag results, which will be the subject of future work in the series.



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