STScI Newsletter
2025 / Volume / Issue
About this Article
MAST Staff - 2025 Jan 31New:
- M31-SATELLITES (Savino et al. 2025) - The HST Survey of M31 Satellite Galaxies used HST to obtain deep ACS/WFC3 imaging of 23 low-mass galaxies associated with M31. These data consist of primary ACS/WFC and parallel WFC3/UVIS fields observed with deep F606W and F814W exposures. In addition, the program homogeneously reprocessed archival data (consisting of ACS/WFC and WFC3/UVIS exposures in F475W, F606W, and F814W) for: 13 additional low-mass galaxies within 500 kpc from M31, 2 fields in the halo of M31, 8 fields in M33. These observations were used to produce: i) deep photometric source catalogs (obtained with DOLPHOT, Dolphin 2000, 2016), ii) a census of the RR Lyrae population in the ACS fields, and iii) lifetime star formation histories from the ACS fields. New imaging for this program was taken to satisfy common first epoch proper motion requirements.
- PHAST (Chen et al. 2025) - The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Southern Treasury (PHAST) is a large 195-orbit Hubble Space Telescope program designed to map roughly 0.45 square degrees of the southern half of M31’s star-forming disk at optical and near-ultraviolet (NUV) wavelengths. The PHAST survey extends the northern coverage of the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) down to the southern half of M31, covering out to R~13 kpc along the southern major axis and, in total, roughly 2/3 of M31’s star-forming disk. The PHAST survey covers key diagnostic features that are sensitive to M31’s complex merger history, which were previously unconstrained by the northern disk observations alone. PHAST creates a legacy map with stellar photometry of over 90 million resolved stars using HST’s resolution and sensitivity, enabling a wide range of scientific endeavors.
- TICA - Updates to the quick-look calibrated TESS full-frame images included data from the last part of Sector 87, and Sector 88 Orbit 1 Part A.

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