STScI Newsletter
2023 / Volume / Issue

About this Article

MAST Staff - 2023 Aug 31


  • The Beyond Ultra-deep Frontier Fields and Legacy Observations program (BUFFALOSteinhardt et al. 2020, HST Program ID 15117) is a 101-orbit Cycle 25 HST program of prime ACS/WFC + parallel WFC3/IR imaging around all 6 of the clusters in the Hubble Frontier Fields program (HFF, Lotz et al. 2017). The BUFFALO program significantly expands the area imaged around each HFF cluster by a factor of about 3-4 times, in a total of 5 filters. This additional area had not previously been extensively observed by HST but was already covered by deep multi-wavelength data sets, including Spitzer and Chandra. As with the original HFF program, BUFFALO is designed to take advantage of gravitational lensing from massive clusters to simultaneously find high-redshift galaxies that would otherwise lie below HST detection limits and model foreground clusters to study the properties of dark matter and galaxy assembly. The expanded area is providing the first opportunity to study both cosmic variance at high redshift and galaxy assembly in the outskirts of the large HFF clusters.  View BUFFALO collection page >


  • The CEERS team have released version 0.6 of their JWST imaging products to MAST, including the second epoch of NIRCam imaging, as well as all reprocessed MIRI imaging of the Extended Groth Strip.  View CEERS collection page >
  • GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE light curves for Sector 8 are now available via the MAST Portal and astroquery.mast. This Sector adds 6,859,735 light curves to the collection.  View GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE collection page >
  • The MUDF team adds 40 hours of XMM-Newton X-ray data of the MUSE Ultra Deep Field, complementing 142 hours of MUSE optical spectra and 90 orbits of HST WFC3 data. Lusso et al. 2023 find surprisingly X-ray-weak properties of the two central quasars.  View MUDF collection page >
  • The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) team has release new, legacy photometry catalogs for their UV-IR HST imaging survey of M31 , resulting in optimal constraints on stellar fluxes in all six bands from the survey data.  View PHAT collection page >
  • QLP calibrated TESS light curves for Sectors 60, 61, and 62 are now available at MAST.  These releases add over 3 million new light curves to the collection.  View QLP collection page >
  • TESS-SPOC calibrated light curves from TESS Sector 58 FFIs are now available via MAST interfaces. This Sector add 160,000 targets to this HLSP collection.  View TESS-SPOC collection page >
  • TGLC PSF-based light curves for stars down to 16th magnitude in TESS Sector 6 are now available at MAST. This Sectors adds 5,517,576 new light curves to the HLSP collection.  View TGLC collection page >
  • TICA added quick-look, calibrated TESS full frame images completing the set for Sector 67, and added all data from Sector 68 as well.  View TICA collection page >
BUFFALO composite color image of A370
BUFFALO:  BUFFALO composite color image of A370. The BUFFALO field of view is four times larger than the previous Frontier Fields coverage (shaded in the central region for both the cluster and parallel fields), in addition to increasing the depth in the central region.



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