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STScI Newsletter
2023 / Volume / Issue

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MAST Staff - 2023 May 04


  • The Low-Resolution Stellar Library, LOWLIB, (Pal et. al 2023) is a collection of 513 stellar spectra produced by Hubble's STIS instrument. These spectra are flux calibrated, dereddened, and rest-frame corrected. Observations are merged into one continuous spectrum, covering 0.2 < λ < 1 μm at λ/Δλ ≈ 1000. LOWLIB extends and supersedes the Next Generation Stellar Library, originally released in 2010. View LOWLIB collection page >


  • GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE light curves from Sector 5 are now available, bringing the total number up to 11 million. View GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE >
  • REFERENCE-ATLASES now contains updated models for seven G-type stars that previously had poor IR constraints. View REFERENCE-ATLASES collection page >
  • TESS-SPOC calibrated light curves from Sectors 52-55 are now available. The completes the Extended Mission 1 collection.  View TESS-SPOC collection page >
  • TICA quick-look, calibrated TESS full frame images from Sector 63, Orbit 2, and Sector 64, Orbit 1 are now available at MAST.  View TICA collection page >
  • QLP light curves from TESS Sectors 50-55 are now available. This adds 5.6 million light curves to the collection, bringing the total to over 50 million. Additionally, this completes the Extended Mission 1 data. View QLP collection page >


Library stars plotted in log Teff / log g space
LOWLIB:  Library stars are plotted in log Teff, log g space. The previously published stars from HST proposals GO 9088, GO 9786, and GO 10222 (plusses; Koleva & Vazdekis 2012, A&A, 538, 143), and the GO 13776 stars (circles) are split by metallicity, metal-poor (MP): [Fe/H] < -1 (red) or metal-rich (MR): [Fe/H] > -1 (blue). An approximate Eddington stability line and spectral type boundaries are included in the plot as visual guides.



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