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Mission Overview

Wide Field Coverage for Juno (WFCJ)


Primary Investigator: Michael H. Wong

Contributing Program PIs: Imke de Pater, Amy A. Simon

HLSP Authors: Michael H. Wong, Andrew I. Hsu, Megan N. Barnett, Joshua W. Tollefson, Charles Goullaud, Amy A. Simon, Andrew W. Stephens, Glenn S. Orton, Troy K. Tsubota

Released: 29 June 2017

Updated: 31 August 2023

Primary Reference(s): Wong et al. (2020)

DOI: 10.17909/T94T1H

Citations: See ADS Statistics

Read Me



Multi-Wavelength Composite Images Of Jupiter
Multi-Wavelength Composite Images Of Jupiter

Multi-wavelength composite images of Jupiter give context for Juno observations. Microwave Radiometer footprints at the intrument's highest (green color) and lowest (blue color) frequencies are shown. LEFT: pseudo-true color appearance (contrast-enhanced), TOP-RIGHT: Near-UV ultraviolet, BOTTOM-RIGHT: Methane-band imaging (relative heights of hazes).

Zonal Winds For PJ3
Zonal Winds For PJ3

Zonal winds for PJ3 in yellow, shown on a global map for comparison. White tick marks at the equator show where prograde (eastward) speeds are -50, 0, +50, +100, and +150 m/s.


The Wide Field Coverage for Juno (WFCJ) program is synchronized with perijove passes of the NASA Juno mission. "Perijove" is the close-approach atmospheric overflight of Juno during its highly eccentric orbit. The Juno spacecraft orbit allows microwave and infrared scans of the atmosphere from a vantage point inside the planet's intense radiation belts. Although Juno is equipped with a visible wavelength public-outreach camera (JunoCam), the proximity to Jupiter during the perijove passes means that Juno itself cannot obtain regional-scale or global-scale imaging data to provide context for its own observations. The WFCJ program fills this gap with WFC3/UVIS imaging data. Some perijoves are covered by a single orbit of HST imaging ("snapshot" coverage), while other perijoves have broader longitude coverage ("global" coverage). Observing for two rotations allows the measurement of the speed of Jupiter's wind jets, which vary with latitude: the zonal wind profile (ZWP).

Juno's first perijove passes happened when Jupiter was too close to the Sun to be observed by Hubble. Perijove 3 (PJ3) was the first observable science pass, featuring global coverage.

Data Products

The data are organized by sub-directory based on the perijove number they belong to. Each file name follows the formula described below. Each epoch is differentiated by a calendar year and a perijove designation, e.g., "jupiter-2016pj03" is for perijove 3 during 2016.



  • <obs> is the observatory, "hst" or "gemini"
  • <ins> is the science instrument, either "wfc3-uvis" (WFC3/UVIS) or "niri" (NIRI)
  • <yyyy> is the year
  • <num> is a two- or three-character value, containing the two-digit, zero-padded Perijove Number.  An optional sequence letter (e.g., "b") may be added to indicate data from epochs that were observed in between perijoves, such as OPAL program observations or NRAO time exchange observations.
  • <filter> is the filter(s) used. A value of "all" indicates the file is valid for all filters, as for the readme file.
  • <time> gives detailed timing info for individual frames, or approximate midpoint times for Gemini mosaics, written as <ddmm>ut<hhmm>. For WFC3 cylindrical map mosaics or polar mosaics, <time> is "rot1", "rot2", etc. for separate Jupiter rotations.  The separate rotations may or may not be consecutive.
  • <ext> is the type of data product

Complete example file names are:


Data file types:


Zonal wind profile (ASCII text format).

_zwp.fits Zonal wind profile (FITS table format).
_globalmap.fits Cylindrically-projected mosaic for the given filter, with limb darkening correction applied.
_globalmap-medium.tif Preview image (width x height ~ 900 x 450 px).
_globalmap-small.tif Preview image (width x height ~ 450 x 225 px).
_globalmap.tif Preview image.
_nav.fits Navigated image; FITS extensions give latitude, longitude, emission angle, and incidence angle for each pixel.
_nav.tif Cleaned image preview corresponding to *_nav.fits file; image has been corrected for some cosmic rays, fringing (if relevant), and geometric distortion.
_nav.jpg Image preview similar to *_nav.tif file; image has further been rotated to align Jupiter's rotational axis in the vertical direction; overlays give information about the exposure and show Juno footprints (if relevant).
_reg.fits Cylindrical map projection of a single frame of HST data. FITS extensions give emission angle and incidence angle for each pixel; no limb-darkening correction has been applied. FITS keywords give latitude/longitude bounds of maps.
_readme.txt Additional details and reference information for the data files, including important notes on photometric calibration. Processed data for PJs 3-22 were delivered to this HLSP collection prior to the release of the latest WFC3/UVIS time-dependent photometric calibration.
_mosaic.fits Map (cylindrical projection) of Gemini NIRI data; mosaic of many individual exposures. FITS extensions give averaged emission angle and incidence angle information, but image data in the main data extension (extension 0) have been corrected for limb darkening. Longitudinal domain may be global or sub-global.
_mosaic.pdf Printable map with overlays giving information about the observations and latitude/longitude axes.
_mosaic.jpg Preview map image (height ~1200 px).
_mosaic-small.jpg Preview map image (height ~325 px).
_mosaic-mwr.pdf Printable map with additional overlay showing Juno MWR footprints.
_mosaic-mwr.jpg Preview map image with Juno MWR footprints (height ~1200 px).
_mosaic-mwr-small.jpg Preview map image with Juno MWR footprints (height ~325 px).
_*npole.fits, _*spole.fits Polar mosaic map (e.g., *_rot1-npole.fits for north pole, *_rot2-spole.fits for south pole), or polar single frames (e.g., *_1211ut1601-spole.fits). Five FITS extensions give calibrated science data with limb darkening correction applied, latitude, longitude, emission angle, incident angle. For single frames, an additional sixth extension is present, containing calibrated science data with no limb-darkening correction.
_*npole.jpg, _*spole.jpg Preview polar mosaic or single-frame map image, with Juno MWR footprints if relevant (width x height ~ 1024 x 1024 px).
*_npole-small.jpg, *_spole-small.jpg Smaller preview polar mosaic or single-frame map image, with Juno MWR footprints if relevant (width x height ~ 325 x 325 px).

Footprints are for the MWR instrument (Janssen et al. 2017 <>). If necessary, footprints have been advected by the zonal wind field to compensate for east/west drift of atmospheric features during the time interval between Juno and HST/Gemini observations.

Data Access

Normal Text = This product is expected but not public yet.

Link Text = Click to download products or visit webpage with links to products.

Note: Polar files can be found in the Global and Snapshot webpages.

Note 2: PJ11 has Global files for Rotation 2 only, and thus both the global and snapshot files are combined into a single page.

Note 3: Users wishing to apply current time-dependent WFC3/UVIS photometry may consult README files for PJs 3-22 (which were processed with outdated photometric information) for a workaround.

Perijove Number First Obs. Date (UT, YYYY-MM-DD) Map/Image Data (click links to load tables) Zonal Winds (click links to download files)
3 2016-12-11 WFC3 Global | NIRI 5-μm ASCII | FITS
3b 2017-01-11 WFC3 Global | NIRI 5-μm ASCII | FITS
4 2017-02-02 WFC3 Global | NIRI 5-μm ASCII | FITS
5 2017-03-27 WFC3 Snapshot  
6 2017-05-19 WFC3 SnapshotNIRI 5-μm  
7 2017-07-11 WFC3 SnapshotNIRI 5-μm  
11 2018-02-07 WFC3 Global + Snapshot  
12 2018-04-01 WFC3 Global | NIRI 5-μm ASCII |  FITS
13 2018-05-24 WFC3 SnapshotNIRI 5-μm  
14 2018-07-16 WFC3 SnapshotNIRI 5-μm  
15 2018-09-07 WFC3 Snapshot  
18 2019-02-12 WFC3 Snapshot  
19 2019-04-06 WFC3 Global | NIRI 5-μm ASCII | FITS
20 2019-05-29 NIRI 5-μm  
21 2019-07-21 WFC3 Snapshot  
22 2019-09-12 WFC3 Snapshot  
26 2020-04-11 Delivered to MAST, Ingest Underway...  
27 2020-06-02 Delivered to MAST, Ingest Underway...  
28 2020-07-23 Delivered to MAST, Ingest Underway...  
29 2020-09-15 Delivered to MAST, Ingest Underway...  



Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
