Mission Overview
Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project: 30DOR (HTTP)
Primary Investigator: Elena Sabbi
HLSP Authors: Elena Sabbi
Released: 2016-01-22
Updated: 2018-06-01
Primary Reference(s): Sabbi et al. 2013, Sabbi et al. 2016
DOI: 10.17909/T9RP4V
Citations: See ADS Statistics
Source Data:
- MAST Portal: 10.17909/gyj0-3629
- GO 12939 (Cycle 20), GO 12499 (Cycle 19)
HTTP is a panchromatic imaging survey of stellar populations in the Tarantula Nebula (30 Dor) in the Large Magellanic Cloud that reaches into the sub-solar mass regime (<0.5 Msun). HTTP utilizes the capability of the Hubble Space Telescope to operate the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Wide Field Camera 3 in parallel to study this remarkable region in the near-ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared spectral regions, including narrow-band H alpha images. The high sensitivity, spatial resolution, and broadband coverage of HTTP allow users to dissect the stellar populations and infer an accurate description of the anatomy of the Tarantula Nebula, and therefore to reconstruct for the first time the temporal and spatial evolution of a prototypical starburst on a sub-parsec scale.
View details on science drivers, observations, and publications of HTTP
Data Products
The HTTP data products consist of drizzled mosaic images of 30 Doradus and a photometric catalog obtained from the analysis of all the images used in the HTTP programs.
Data file naming convention:
- <instr> is the instrument, one of 'acs', 'wfc3', or 'acs-wfc3'.
- <propID> is the HST proposal ID, either 'go12499' or 'go12939'.
- <filter> is the filter, one of 'f110w', 'f160w', 'f275w', 'f336s', 'f555w', 'f658n', 'f777w', or 'multi'.
- <version> is the version number, either 'v1.0' or 'v2.0'.
- <prodType> is the product type, one of 'cat', 'drc', 'drz', or 'wht'.
- <ext> is the file extension, either 'fits' or 'zip'.
Data file types:
_cat.zip |
HTTP photometric catalog |
_drc.fits |
Charge transfer efficiency (CTE) corrected drizzled mosaic image |
_drz.fits |
Drizzled science mosaic image |
_wht.fits |
Weight-map file corresponding to a mosaic image |
Data Access
Both CTE-corrected/drizzled mosaics and their weight map files (only version 2.0) are available in the MAST Portal (web-based, cross-mission search interface) and Astroquery (Python package to search for and download files from Python scripts you write). Set the Provenance Name filter to HTTP in the Portal Advanced Search to find all or individual tiles. Each observation in the Portal contains a single mosaic. The drc/drz and wht products of each observation are selected as minimum recommended products. The tiles can be retrieved programmatically by using the astroquery—mast module. See the code example below for retrieving and downloading all tiles.
from astroquery.mast import Observations
all_obs = Observations.query_criteria(provenance_name="http")
data_products = Observations.get_product_list(all_obs)
See the download table below for downloading individual data files, including version 1.0 and the catalog.
A web-based interface for cross-mission searches of data at MAST or the Virtual Observatory
Search for and retrieve 3D-DASH data products programmatically.
File | Size |
75 MB |
Program ID |
Instrument | Filter | Files | Preview |
GO-12499 |
ACS | F775W | ![]() |
WFC3 | F775W | ![]() |
GO-12939 |
ACS | F555W | ![]() |
F658N | ![]() |
WFC3 | F110W |
F160W | ![]() |
F275W |
F336W |