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Mission Overview

Map of Observations

XMM-OM observations

Wavelength Coverage

XMM-OM wavelength coverage plot

The X-ray Multi-Mirror (XMM) Telescope was launched by ESA on December 10th, 1999 and carries two distinct types of telescope: three X-ray telescopes, with different X-ray detectors, and a 30-cm optical/UV telescope, the XMM Optical Monitor (XMM-OM). The XMM-OM has 8 ultraviolet/optical filters and 2 grisms for observations between 170 and 550 nm. The spatial pixel size in normal operation is 1 arc second and the limiting sensitivity is B=24 for a star viewed with the detector in unfiltered light. XMM-OM observations are usually both deeper and higher resolution than GALEX images, making them a useful alternative to GALEX in fields where they are available. See the XMM-OM home page for more information. MAST is serving an XMM-OM Mosaic product that uses a pipeline described by Kuntz et. al. OMCat: Catalog of Serendipitous Sources Detected with the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor, 2008, PASP, 120:740-758.

Active From

Launch: December 10, 1999

Observing: February 14, 2000 - Present


1" per pixel


  • Imaging
  • Photometry
  • Grism spectroscopy
  • Time series


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UV and Optical Images: Combined multi-exposure images with astrometric and geometric corrections.

Source Catalogs: Lists of objects in each image generated automatically by the data processing pipeline.

XMM-OM Images


OM Effective Area
OM Effective Area

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