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This is the portal to the HST Spectroscopic Legacy Database. This page presents samples organized around scientifically coherent samples. For more information, including documentation, visit the HSLA Main Page.

All COS targets

Samples Targets Files (tar.gz)
All Targets, FUV and NUV Targets Download
All Targets with FUV Data Targets Download
All Targets with NUV Data Targets Download


Solar System and Exoplanets

Samples Targets Files (tar.gz)
Most Solar Systems    Targets Download
Extrasolar Planets Targets Download


Galaxies and Clusters

Samples Targets Files (tar.gz)
All Galaxies Targets Download
Starbursts Targets Download
Spirals Targets Download
Star Forming Targets Download
Dwarf Compact Targets Download
Emission Line Targets Download
Irregular Targets Download
Galaxy Clusters Targets Download



Samples Targets Files (tar.gz)
All Stars Targets Download
Early Type Stars Targets Download
Late Type Stars Targets Download
White Dwarfs Targets Download
T Tauri Stars Targets Download
Novae and Cataclysmic Variables Targets Download
Post-AGB Targets Download
Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries Targets Download
Other Targets Download


QSOs, AGN, and Seyferts

Samples Targets Files (tar.gz)
QSOs, AGN, and Seyferts Targets Download


Supernovae and SNRs

Samples Targets Files (tar.gz)
Supernovae and SNRs Targets Download