STScI Newsletter
2024 / Volume / Issue
About this Article
MAST Staff - 2024 Oct 29New HLSPs
- SMILES is a 34 arcmin2 multi-band JWST/MIRI imaging survey of the GOODS-S/HUDF region, with NIRSpec follow-up, aimed at cosmic noon science. Its first data release presents custom-reduced mosaics in 8 MIRI bands (covering a range from 5.6-25.5 μm) and a photometric catalog. These mosaics reach 5 sigma point source sensitivities of 0.2 - 18 uJy (25.6 - 20.9 AB). In addition, a clean catalog with 3,096 sources detected at ≥ 4 sigma in either F560W or F770W is presented. Forced photometry is provided in all other bands, whether the source is detected or not. Cleaning of the catalog, to remove false positives due to noise peaks or cosmic ray showers, was performed using JADES DR2 NIRCam imaging, which is available over the majority of the SMILES area.
- The WIDE Survey releases reduced JWST/NIRSpec spectra from the first 5 (of 31) pointings from the CANDELS/AEGIS extragalactic fields. Each pointing utilizes NIRSpec’s microshutter array (MSA) to simultaneously obtain spectra for an average of 135 galaxies per pointing. Observations are performed with the low-resolution PRISM (2451s), the high-resolution G235H grating (1634s), and the high-resolution G395H grating (1780s). Pointing centers are determined to maximize the observability of the rarest, high-value sources. In this release, the team releases the reduced 2D and 1D extracted spectra.
Updated HLSPs
- TESS-SPOC extends the SPOC processing pipeline to non-target stars in full-frame images. Sector 70 adds 159994 targets derived from 200 second cadence FFIs.
- TICA quick-look calibrated full frame images from the following sectors are now available at MAST:
- Sector 83, Orbits 1a, 1b, and 2a
- Sector 82, Complete
- MSTARPANSPEC adds data for LTT 1445A and GJ 486, the two closest M-dwarfs with transiting exoplanets. Panchromatic spectra are constructed from UV and X-ray observations, Ly-a reconstructions, DEM estimates, and BT-settl models.