STScI Newsletter
2024 / Volume / Issue
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MAST Staff - 2024 Oct 29New HLSPs
- Scylla is a pure-parallel HST-WFC3 imaging survey that operated alongside the ULLYSES survey. Named for the monster from Homer's Odyssey, Scylla surveyed LMC and SMC fields. All fields have been imaged in at least two filters: F475W and F814W. 64% of fields have been imaged in at least three and as many as seven WFC3 filters spanning the UV to IR. The first data release consists of 96 fields over 342 orbits. Future releases will include all survey data (roughly 20 additional fields expected).
Updated HLSPs
GLASS-JWST, initially released in 2023 July with NIRCam images and a photometric catalog, has been augmented with NIRSpec spectra of 245 unique sources, with a redshift range from 0 to 10. The products in this second release also include a spectral template and a detection catalog of more than 60 emission lines. These products enable a deep exploration of cosmic evolution from cosmic noon (z~2) to the era of reionization (z>= 5).
- OPAL HST observations of Saturn from Cycle 31 are now available at MAST. OPAL is a multi-year HST survey of the outer planets to observe how their atmospheres change over time.
- QLP "quick look" calibrated light curves from TESS full frame images for Sector 80 are now available at MAST. This Sector adds 1,750,792 targets derived from 200 second cadence FFIs.
- REFERENCE-ATLASES: 19 new white dwarf (WD) stars were added that are fainter than most other CALSPEC stars. Therefore, 19 stellar spectra files (stis) and 19 model files (mod) are being delivered for the first time.
- TESS-SPOC extends the SPOC processing pipeline to non-target stars in full-frame images. Sector 71 adds 159,999 targets derived from 200 second cadence FFIs.