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STScI Newsletter
2024 / Volume / Issue

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MAST Staff - 2024 Jun 28

New Notebooks

JWST Metadata Query: This notebook uses the astroquery.mast "MastMissions" module, the API for our MAST Missions Search Form.

New Videos

MAST Summer Webinar (Webinar YouTube Playlist)

As part of the ongoing summer webinar series, we've released recordings of another two lessons:

  • Lesson 2: Astereoseismology and Other "Spurious" Signals. In this lesson we:
    • List possible non-planetary sources of periodic signals in light curves, like binary and variable stars.
    • Subtract a non-planetary signal from a periodogram to reveal the signal of a transiting exoplanet.
    • List possible sources of false transit positives, including the effects of TESS’s orbit and detector noise.
  • Lesson 3: Transient Objects. In this lesson we:
    • Use Observations.query_criteria to find the fields of view, start times, and end times of all TESS full frame images (FFIs)
    • Load an online table of transient events as an astropy table
    • Determine if a transient event (based on location and time) was observed by TESS
    • Use lightkurve and tesscut to extract the background-subtracted lightcurve of a single pixel centered on a transient event
a screenshot from the third webinar, showing a masked TESS image
A screenshot from webinar 3, which shows a TESS TPF opened in lightkurve. A background mask (white, diagonal lines) has been applied to the image.



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