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MAST Staff - 2023 Apr 17FIMS-SPEAR
Data from the FIMS-SPEAR mission are now available at MAST. In 2003-2004, FIMS-SPEAR conducted a spectral imaging survey of the far-ultraviolet sky. This band spans warm and hot plasma cooling lines, molecular hydrogen fluorescent emission, and dust-scattered starlight.
Known in Korea as the "Far-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph" (FIMS) and in the US as "Spectroscopy of Plasma Evolution from Astrophysical Radiation" (SPEAR), FIMS-SPEAR was the primary payload on STSAT-1, Korea's first astronomy satellite.
Data products now available at MAST include all-sky hyperspectral imaging, adaptively-binned emission line maps, bright star spectra, and high-resolution emission line images of the Vela supernova remnant. See the FIMS-SPEAR mission page for more details, including links to the mission manual, data access, and a Python Notebook tutorial.
Contributed Missions
From small satellites to balloons and sounding rockets, astronomy missions are getting smaller, less expensive, and more numerous, and we are excited to welcome their data into the archive! FIMS-SPEAR is the first of the MAST Community-Contributed Missions: a program through which new or active missions operating in the ultraviolet, optical, or near-infrared can archive their data at no cost to the mission.
Additional archiving services beyond the base level are available through funded contracts between STScI and your mission team. See New Mission Partnerships with MAST to learn what is included in the base-level support and funded add-on options.