STScI Newsletter
2024 / Volume / Issue

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MAST Staff - 2024 May 30

New Jupyter Notebooks

  • The PySIAF Footprints Viewer generates observation footprints for HST, JWST, and Roman. You can select instruments from these missions, choose a target, add a background survey, and create a plot of the footprint!

New Videos

MAST Summer Webinar (Webinar YouTube Playlist)

As part of the ongoing summer webinar series, we've released recordings of the first two lessons:

  • Lesson 0: Working on the cloud, in TIKE. In this lesson, we:
    • Discuss what TIKE is, and the advantages of cloud platforms
    • Query for MAST data, using the astroquery.mast API to filter on target name, region, and other criteria -
    • Download TESS data and plot an image
  • Lesson 1: Exoplanets in TESS Light Curves. In this lesson, we:
    • List common uses of timeseries data
    • Understand how missions like TESS and Kepler look for repeated changes in brightness to detect planets
    • Plot an exoplanet light curve using mission-generated LC and TPF files

All six videos will eventually be uploaded to YouTube and added to the Summer Webinar Playlist, so stay tuned!

The Jdaviz Series (Jdaviz YouTube Playlist)

The Jdaviz series is produced by one of its lead developers, but is hosted on the MAST channel for greater visibility. Jdaviz is an interactive visualization tool for spectroscopic and imaging data, designed to work with Jupyter. It explicitly supports many JWST instruments and modes, but can also be used for data from other missions.

The 18 fields-of-view of the Roman Space Telescope cover a background of stars. The spiral galaxy M101 covers approximately four of these detectors, highlighted the enormous size of the field-of-view.
The Roman Space Telescope's field of view (blue squares), overplotted on the spiral galaxy M101.
a screenshot from the MAST summer webinar. a video plays, embedded into a Jupyter Notebook, while the charming host narrates in the upper right corner of the frame
A frame from the MAST Summer Webinar video, showing the TESS initial survey.

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