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STScI Newsletter
2024 / Volume / Issue

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MAST Staff - 2024 Jun 27


  • The Plane Quasar Survey (PQS) is a catalog of 305 UV-bright QSO candidates at low Galactic latitudes, with 193 spectroscopically-confirmed AGN. Along with a description of the confirmed QSO properties, the team provides the fully-reduced, flux- and wavelength-calibrated spectra of 84 low-latitude QSOs. The sample will enable new studies of the Milky Way and Local Group circumgalactic medium!

Updated HLSP

  • TICA, which offers quick-look, calibrated TESS full frame images, has added data from the following orbits:
    • Sector 80, Orbit 1A
    • Sector 79, Complete
  • QLP calibrated light curves from TESS full frame images for Sector 73 are now available at MAST. This Sector adds 862017 targets derived from 200 second cadence FFIs.
UV-bright QSO All-Sky Distribution: an all-sky Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates, centered at b = 0 degrees, l = 180 degrees. Shown is the distribution of different UV-bright QSO samples, including the Plane QSO candidates (dark and light purple shapes). For orientation within this frame of reference, the underlying gray map shows high-velocity |vLSR| > 80 km/s HI detected in 21-cm emission from the HI4PI Survey, generally with NHI > 1018 cm-2. The black circles show the 401 archival QSO sightlines with high-resolution HST/COS spectra from the COS-GAL database, and the gray plusses show all the confirmed AGN from the UVQS Survey, including those that were previously identified by the Milliquas Survey. Purple diamonds highlight the spectroscopically-confirmed low-latitude QSOs, which fill a gap in the existing datasets. The 12 purple stars show objects in our candidate list that were confirmed stellar sources, and the light purple x's are targets from our candidate list that have not yet been observed.


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