STScI Newsletter
2022 / Volume / Issue

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MAST Staff - 2022 Jul 07


  • The HACKS (Libralato et al. 2022) team computed proper motions for stars in 56 globular clusters and one open cluster by combining data from "HST Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters: Shedding UV Light on Their Populations and Formation" (GO-13297) with archival HST data. The astro-photometric catalogs released with this collection represent the most complete and homogeneous collection of proper motions of stars in the cores of stellar clusters to date, and expand the information provided by the current (and future) Gaia data releases to much fainter stars and into the crowded central regions.  View HACKS collection page >
  • The NLTE-OBGRID (Bohlin et al. 2022) team created new NLTE model SEDs for O and B stars based on Spitzer calibration and the TLUSTY208 software.  The new NLTE spectra have a much better description of line confluences and of the contribution to the opacity in very high series members. In addition, there are improvements in the treatment of the hydrogen and He II continua from high levels, inclusion of more scattering opacity sources, and updates to the physics of level dissolution.  Each model has 29957 points at constant spectral resolution of R=5000 and a micro-turbulent velocity of 2 km/s.  The collection includes 1082 model pairs of spectra and continua, spanning Teff 15,000-55,000 K, log(g) 1.75-4.75, Z 2.0-0.1.  View NLTE-OBGRID collection page >
  • Using anticipated characteristics of the Roman Space Telescope Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) survey, the RSLSS (Pierel et al. 2021) team has constructed mock catalogs of expected resolved lensing systems and strongly lensed Type Ia and core-collapse (CC) SN light curves, including microlensing effects. The data products include mock catalogs for four Roman SN Ia survey variants and the High Latitude Survey (HLS), as well as 2.4 million simulated light curves (600k for each of 4 SN classes: Ia, Ibc, IIn, IIP) based on the Hounsell et al. 2018 "Allz" strategy. These products were used to predict that Roman will find ~11 lensed SNIa and ~20 CCSN for the fiducial SN Ia surveys, with a time delay precision of ~2 and 3 days, respectively.  View RSLSS collection page >
  • TESS-EBs is a catalog containing locations, ephemerides and basic light curve properties for eclipsing binary stars found in data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).  Prša et al. 2022 discuss the selection criteria for eclipsing binary candidates, the detection of hither-to unknown eclipsing systems, the determination of ephemerides, the validation and triage process, and the derivation of heuristic estimates for the ephemerides. They also present statistical properties of the sample and qualitative estimates of completeness. Instead of keeping to the widely used discrete classes, the authors propose a binary star morphology classification based on a dimensionality reduction algorithm. The first release contains about 4580 eclipsing binaries from TESS light curve files in Sectors 1-26.  View TESS-EBs collection page >


  • TICA - quick-look, calibrated TESS full frame images from Sector 52, Orbit 2, and Sector 53, Orbit 1, are now available at MAST.  View TICA collection page >
  • ULLYSES - a Hubble Director's Discretionary program to construct an ultraviolet spectroscopic library of low- and high-mass stars. DR5 adds 75 new targets and updates 250 previous targets. The code is also released as open source!  View ULLYSES collection page >
HACKS simulation gif
HACKS:  Simulation of the internal motions of stars in the core of the globular cluster NGC 6656 based on the HACKS catalogs.
RSLSS survey curves
RSLSS:  The left and right panels describe the SNe Ia and CCSN populations of each survey strategy, respectively. The x-dimension of each plot is the relative time delay precision Δtrel. The y-dimension is the cumulative sum of SNe for a given precision, identifying how many SNe of a given type at a specific time delay precision could be discovered by Roman, for each SNe Ia survey strategy.
TESS-EBs map
TESS-EBs:  Map of TESS EBs observed in sectors 1–26 in the Galactic reference frame. Depicted in green are all vetted and validated EBs observed with the 2 minute cadence. Depicted in cyan are the simulated EBs brighter than T = 12 (Wells & Prša 2021). The dearth of systems in the region north of the ecliptic plane is due to the change in boresight in sectors 14–16 and 24–26, where the satellite was pointed at +85° instead of the nominal +54° to mitigate excessive contamination by stray Earth light and moonlight in cameras 1 and 2.



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