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- Officially Adopted Dimensions for the
Apertures in Each Spectrograph, Measured on LWP, LWR, and SWP Images
- Standard Offsets from the Small to the Large
Spectrograph Aperture as used by low-dispersion NEWSIPS (in pixels)
- Approximate Spectral Scales in Each
Dispersion Mode
Flag Values
- Hot Pixels in the LWR Camera
- Hot Pixels in the SWP Camera
- Permanent Blemishes in the LWP and LWR Cameras
- Low-Dispersion Camera Artifacts (Å)
- High-Dispersion Camera Artifacts
- Source Type Determination Values (number of
- FES Coordinates of the Apertures
- Low-Dispersion Wavelength Regions for DN
Measurements (Å)
- Number of Fiducial Locations
- ITF Effective Exposure Times (seconds)
- LWP True Reseau Positions in Y Direction
- LWR True Reseau Positions in Y Direction
- SWP True Reseau Positions in Y Direction
- Low-Dispersion Pt-Ne Line Libraries
- LWP and SWP Low-Dispersion Time and THDA
Coefficients (pre-1990)
- LWR Low-Dispersion Time and THDA
- LWP and SWP Low-Dispersion Time and THDA
Coefficients (post-1990)
- IRAF Solutions Used for the Wavelength
Linearization Step
- IRAF Solutions Used for Time and Temperature
Correlation Step
- IUE Spectrograph Parameters
- Approximate Wavelength Ranges for the Echelle Orders
- Fiducial Line Positions for the Echelle Orders
- Extraction Slit Lengths for the Echelle Orders
- LWP Absolute Calibration
- LWR ITFA Absolute Calibration
- LWR ITFB Absolute Calibration
- SWP Absolute Calibration
- LWP S/L and T/L Relative Sensitivities

- LWR ITFA S/L and T/L Relative

- LWR ITFB S/L and T/L Relative

- SWP S/L and T/L Relative Sensitivities

- Temperature Coefficients and Reference THDAs
- High-Dispersion Ripple Coefficients
- High-Dispersion Calibration Function Coefficients
- Low-Dispersion File Formats
- High-Dispersion File Formats
- Summary of the IUE Raw Image VICAR Header
- RILO/RIHI - Basic FITS Keywords
- RILO Partial Read - Basic FITS Keywords
- LILO/LIHI - Basic FITS Keywords
- VDLO/VDHI - Basic FITS Keywords
- SILO - Basic FITS Keywords
- SIHI - Basic FITS Keywords
- MXLO - Basic FITS Keywords
- MXHI - Basic FITS Keywords
- Mean ITF THDAs
- Recourses to Various Pathological Trial Solutions
Karen Levay