Missing minor frames (MMFs) or ``data dropouts'' are flagged and
recorded in the flag image, as well as noted in the output core
data item keyword ABNMINFR. A minor frame consists of 96
consecutive pixel values read down in batch from the satellite. Minor
frames are used to reconstruct the image, beginning at line 1, sample 1
by assigning values for incremental samples. Occasionally, one or more
minor frames are corrupted or missing from the telemetry stream
resulting in consecutive values of zero in the image. Such missing minor
frames are detected automatically in the NEWSIPS system by screening the
data for 96 consecutive values of zero. Only the target region is
screened for missing minor frames; therefore, any MMFs outside the
target area will not be detected or flagged. These 96 pixels are then
flagged with a
flag value of -8192. No attempt is made to
interpolate across or correct for such data loss. A more detailed
description of the IUE telemetry system can be found in IUE
Technical Note No. 30.