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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

MAST Users Group Meeting
November 26, 2012
STScI Lyman Spitzer Boardroom


8:30-9:00 Breakfast and Coffee  
9:00-10:30 Session 1
Welcome and Introduction R. White 5m
MAST Overview K. Levay / R. White 25+5m
MAST User Survey Results A. Koekemoer 10+5m
Common Archive Observation Model B. McLean 10+5m
MAST Data Discovery Portal T. Donaldson / T. Rogers 20+5m
10:30-10:50 Coffee break (incl. informal Portal Demo)
10:50-12:30 Session 2
HLA Project & Science Overview L. Quick / S. Casertano 25+5m
Hubble Source Catalog B. Whitmore 15+5m
HST Data Processing + CRDS M. Kyprianou / P. Greenfield   25+5m
JWST DMS G. Greene 15+5m
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 3
Galex Closeout M. Smith 10+5m
Kepler Status / Colors Table D. Fraquelli / M. Smith   25+5m
Spectral Classifications Tool M. Smith 10+5m
VAO G. Greene 10+5m
Enabling Science with Big Data S. Murray / A. Koekemoer 10+5m
15:30-17:00 Coffee Break followed by MUG Executive Session