UPRM Ground Station Visit -- July 11, 2002
Four members of the FUSE/JHU team (J. B. Joyce, Bill Blair, Chris Silva and Randy Ewing)
performed a site visit and inspection of the FUSE ground station antenna
at University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM) in July 2002. Below are a few photos from this trip.
(Note: A couple added at bottom from August 2002, powerwashing of the Radome by
UPRM personnel.)
Caption: View of FUSE antenna Radome on roof of TCESS building at UPRM.
The control room for the antenna is in the room below the antenna (with louvered windows).
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Door to the FUSE control room at TCESS.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Chris Silva explains details of the FUSE antenna electronics in the FUSE
control room.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: UPRM technician Javier Diaz-Serrano in the FUSE control room.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: View of protective Radome on the UPRM antenna from roof of TCESS building.
(That's J. B. trying to stay cool in the shade!) Note the dirt and grime darkening the
Radome, from normal weathering. Also see below for scenes of powerwashing a month later.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Courtesy J. Diaz-Serrano.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Chris Silva, Javier Diaz, and Randy Ewing view the 4.3 m antenna used by
one of the Landsat satellites to downlink data. (For scale, this dish is slightly smaller than
the 5 m FUSE antenna.) This view looks north. The cranes in the distance
are being used in the construction of a biology building.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Courtesy J. Diaz-Serrano.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Bill Blair by the Landsat antenna at TCESS.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: courtesy of Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Inside the Radome. Chris Silva, Bill Blair, Javier Diaz, and Randy Ewing are
shown here during the antenna inspection tour. The base of the FUSE antenna is just out of the
picture to the right. The Radome is climate controlled to prolong electronic component
lifetimes. (It felt pretty good to us humans, too!)
(Taken July 11, 2002. Courtesy J. Diaz-Serrano.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Mosaic showing the FUSE antenna in its Radome. There is only about 3-feet clearance
between the antenna and the Radome, making it difficult to photograph!
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: courtesy of Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Feedhorn at the focus of the FUSE antenna (shown here during a FUSE pass).
The dish is to the left and the inside of the Radome is in the background.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Photo: courtesy of Bill Blair.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Group shot with FUSE Radome in background on the roof of TCESS building.
Pictured with the JHU contingent are UPRM students Orlando Rosado and Ivan Velez,
Prof. Rafael Fernandez, and Javier Diaz.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Courtesy J. Diaz-Serrano.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Group shot on the roof of TCESS building. (Landsat antenna at right is
slightly smaller than the FUSE antenna.)
Pictured with the JHU contingent are UPRM students Orlando Rosado and Ivan Velez,
Prof. Rafael Fernandez, and Javier Diaz.
(Taken July 11, 2002. Courtesy J. Diaz-Serrano.) (Click picture to see larger version.)

Caption: Cleaning Radome: Two pictures showing power washing of FUSE Radome (at least the
side toward the rooftop!).
(Taken August 7, 2002. Courtesy J. Diaz-Serrano.) (Click picture to see larger version.)
