Request Information for In the last 96 hours:
18 requests were made.
16 of these requests are COMPLETE.
1 of these requests are still RUNNING.
The average time it took for a request to complete during this time period is 213.0 seconds.
The median time it took for a request to complete during this time period is 95.5 seconds.
Check status of an individual request:
Planned Archive Downtimes
These are scheduled downtimes which will affect access to the MAST HST Archive.
Note: Due to the nature of the archive systems, we cannot always report unscheduled downtimes.
The DADS system serves data from the HST and FUSE archives.
Public HST data is also available at CADC and ESAC:
Staging Disk Capacity
Here is the current capacity of the Archive
host's ( staging disk:
Tue Mar 25 17:19:45 UTC 2025
540.8 GB of 8063.3 GB used (6.7%)
If the capacity is near 100%, then the staging disk is full, and HOST
retrievals and retrivals submitted through the Web interface will fail.
When that happens, you may either
Wait until there is more space on the staging disk (every day, files older than three days are swept from the staging disk), or
you can select NET retrieval instead of HOST and have the data sent directly to your machine.
When the disk is full, and you have data on it you don't need, please let us know
so we can delete it to make space for other retrievals.