Search the FUSE proposal abstracts and/or proposal titles for specific strings of interest.
You may also search the FUSE abstracts database for a specific Guest Investigator
(either in combination with a string search of the abstracts or alone).
You may enter lists of expressions separated by commas. See the help for more details.
Search Abstracts and/or Titles for words and phrases
You may now use the new FUSE Abstract Search form to find FUSE proposal abstracts
and/or titles containing specific words or phrases. All FUSE proposal abstracts
matching your search expression will be displayed, along with some other
information about the proposal and links to further information. The characters
in the abstracts that matched your search expression will be rendered in red
to make it easier to see why an abstract or title matched. You should note that
the abstracts for some programs are not available.
Programs starting with X (Early Release), I (in orbit checkout), Z (Discretionary Time),
M (Calibration), and S (Science Verification) do not have abstracts at the present time.
Program IDs for programs not listed above follow this convention:
programs beginning with A are cycle 1 PI programs, B cycle 2, C cycle three etc.
programs beginning with P are US PI team programs,
programs beginning with Q are French PI team programs, and
programs beginning with Z9 are "observatory programs".
Search expressions consist of words or phrases separated by commas.
The search is insensitive to case. An abstract will match if it contains any of
the words or phrases in the expression, unless the word or phrase is preceeded
by a + or - sign. Prefix a word or phrase with a + when the word or phrase
is required to be present in the abstract. Prefix a word or phrase with
a - to exclude abstracts containing the word or phrase.
Complex queries or those matching a large number of abstracts, may take longer
to complete and may result in a a very large results page.
You may wish to see a list of papers, without the abstract and therefore may
choose to not display the abstracts.
Here are some examples of how to use the syntax:
Finds every abstract containing macho (or MACHO or Macho)
macho, microlens
Finds every abstract with either the phrase macho OR the word microlens.
macho, +microlens
Finds every abstract with both the phrase macho AND the word microlens.
macho, -microlens
Finds every abstract with the phrase macho that does NOT contain the word microlens
Search for Author and Proposal ID
You may also enter a name or list of names to search for proposals by a specific investigator. As with abstract and title searches, separate values in a list by commas. Note that the database contains only the name of the primary investigator.
You may also enter a proposal ID or a list of proposal IDs (separated by a comma)