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On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

FUSE Data Reduction and Analysis

This page contains links to a variety of tools useful for the reprocessing and analysis of FUSE data.

Primary Reference Documents

The primary documentation available to assist you with proper interpretation and analysis of FUSE data are:

The FUSE Data Handbook

The FUSE Instrument Handbook

These are lengthy, comprehensive documents that can be downloaded as a PDF file for reference or viewed on-line. The on-line versions are heavily linked to appropriate sections within the MAST/FUSE site to direct users quickly to the information they seek. The FUSE Data Handbook discusses all aspects of FUSE data and provides numerous examples, figures and supporting information. The FUSE Instrument Handbook discusses many aspects of the FUSE instrument, detector, and spacecraft, and describes why FUSE data are the way they are.

Data Reprocessing

As part of the FUSE project close-out, ALL FUSE data were re-processed and archived at MAST with the final version of the CalFUSE calibration pipeline software package, CalFUSE 3.2. However, as a standardized process, CalFUSE cannot produce optimized results for every data set. Advanced users may wish to reprocess their data using non-standard processing flags, and so the calibration software is archived and available for use by the community. The CalFUSE page provides links to supporting information and documentation about CalFUSE and the CalFUSE software.

Data Manipulation and Analysis Tools

Over the years that FUSE operations were active, a variety of tools were developed both by the project and the user community to manipulate FUSE data and to measure and analyze the data in various ways. Some are general data manipulation tools while others find application to measurement or analysis of FUSE data. Some of the links below go to outside sites whose availability cannot be guaranteed.

C-based FUSE tools: Data analysis tools written in "C" are described on the FUSE Tools in C Reference page. A subset of these programs, designed specifically for the manipulation of FUSE Intermediate Data Files, or IDFs, is described in a separate document, The IDF Cookbook, available in both PDF and HTML versions. The tools themselves are bundled with the CalFUSE package and use the same libraries of routines, so the tools are available as part of the download from the CalFUSE page.

IDL-based FUSE tools: A variety of IDL routines to display and manipulate FUSE data are available from the FUSE IDL Tools Reference Page.

The spectral manipulation tool XIPLOT, an IDL-based program, is maintained and is available from the French FUSE site.

Steve McCandliss's H2ools Page provides an interactive IDL-based tool and support materials for modeling molecular hydrogen in the FUSE spectral range.

Analysis Documentation and References

The primary documentation available to assist you with proper interpretation and analysis of FUSE data are:

The FUSE Data Handbook

The FUSE Instrument Handbook

In addition, the Analysis Documentation and References page provides links to papers and conference proceedings that specifically discuss aspects of FUSE data analysis and have been found useful by previous investigators. Included are references to FUV line lists, atomic data, stellar atlases, High Level Science Products, and more.