FUSE KSC Final Processing Photos
from June 13-16, 1999!
In approximate reverse chronological order--most recent at top.
(Click on any photo to see larger version. Most are either 400 KB GIF
of 200KB JPEG files.)
Photos: Views of FUSE move to launch pad 17A from hangar AE, CCAS. Digital photos courtesy of Nancy Anderson, Swales Aerospace, taken June 16, 1999. (Click any photo to see larger version.)
Top row: FUSE just prior to "bagging" for the trip to the pad; 4:30 a.m.--FUSE leaves for pad 17A; FUSE in the "can", ready for lifting to top of rocket.
Bottom Row:FUSE can at top of tower; FUSE logo painted on launch tower; bottom of FUSE can being lowered into white room (on top of rocket).
Photos: Views of the FUSE final processing at KSC: Top row: Solar Array
installation; second row: FUSE, bagged for environmental protection, going
into shipping container for trip the the pad (which occurred June 16, 1999).
(Photos by NASA/KSC, courtesy of the terrific
Florida Today web site
(and thanks to local processing by
Ed Murphy and Bill Blair).
(Click on any photo to see larger version. Most are about 400 KB GIF files.)