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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

Search and Retrieval

The following Kepler search forms and catalogs are currently available to users. If you are planning to submit large search queries or data requests, please see the Submitting Large Requests page. Users interested in submitting requests from a local script or accessing the Kepler catalogs via the Virtual Observatory Cone search service should see the MAST Services page for more information.

  • Search:

    • Data (Search, Set Search, Download Options)
      Allows users to search for and retrieve kepler data for targets for which data has been archived. The table contains about 3 million rows.
      "Search" is a link to the standard MAST search interface. See the Data Search Help page for more information. You can also go directly to the Kepler data retrieval page ("Set Search") and enter either data set names or upload a file of data set names. Light curve FITS files are also stored online for access via http or ftp. They are stored in /pub/kepler/lightcurves in a directory structure based on the Kepler ID number. See the top level directory or go to the page describing how to download data ("Download Options").

    • Targets
      Find targets on the Kepler CCDs and allows searches on additional magnitudes, colors, and non-KIC targets.
      The 15 million row table (of which ~ 4.5 million are from the KIC), was created by MAST staff by merging entries from the USNOb, IRT, KIS, Kepler Input catalog (KIC) and the Kepler Characteristics table (CT) catalogs. This would be the form used by the potential guest observers to locate possible targets for observation. See the Explanations page, and the Enhanced Target Search Help page for more information.

    • Stellar Parameters
      Searches the Kepler Q1-Q17 stellar table containing updated stellar parameters for observed Kepler targets. The Q1-Q17 parameters were used in the current reprocessing (data release 25).

    • Confirmed Planets
      Displayed with KOI information or with published information.

    • Full Frame Image (FFI) and Engineering Data
      An interface for accessing and retrieving FFIs and FFI uncertainty files
      and the following files:
      • Long and Short Cadence Collateral (COLL&COLS) files
      • Artifact Removal Pixel (ARP) files
      • Background Pixel (BKG) files
      • Reverse Clock (RVC) files
      The FFI files may also be downloaded via anonymous ftp at /pub/kepler/ffi, or via the browser at .

    • FFI Display
      To display individual channels from any of the FFI images, and overlay various catalogs.

    • Kepler Casjobs
      A SQL-based GUI for searching the Kepler database tables.

  • Catalogs:

    • Kepler Objects of Interest
      Allows users to search the 9,564 row DR25 KOI table
      listing planet candidates, false positives, confirmed planets, and Kepler targets of general interest. (Note the KOI search interface replaced the previous "False Positive table" and the "Released Candidates table".)

    • KOI False Positive Table
      Provides information on how and why the various KOI False Positive entries were classified.

    • KOI Astrophysical Positional Probabilities
      Lists the stars from the KOI table with the highest probability of being co-located with the source of the observed transit.

    • Eclipsing Binaries
      List of Eclipsing Binaries produced by the Eclipsing Binaries team at Villanova
      as updated on 15 November, 2013. The latest results have not yet been published. The previous version is described in

    • Red Giants. The Kepler Team announced the public data release of 14,048 red giants for scientific exploitation by the community on Sept. 9th, 2011.
      All quarter 0 to quarter 8 light curves of these targets are now public (about 50,000 files) and all future data collected for these targets will be delivered to the archive without proprietary periods.

    • Kepler Input Catalog
      This form allows access to the 13.2 million row, version 10, Kepler Input Catalog,
      listing targets within and outside the Kepler Field of View. See the KIC release notes. A listing of the catalog fields, including a few added by MAST staff, is available from the KIC parameter help page.

    • Ancillary Files
      Available ancillary data files include the following:

    • Downloadable Catalogs. A directory of Kepler catalogs that can be downloaded in ASCII format via FTP or HTTP.

    • Kepler High Level Science Products
      This page lists the Kepler-related High Level Science Products currently delivered to MAST.

  • More...
    Complete list of Kepler search forms and catalogs.

If you encounter any problems, please contact the help desk via the link at the bottom of this page.