Ancillary Engineering Data FilesPurposeAncillary engineering data is a subset of the engineering telemetry collected by the spacecraft that may prove useful for certain science data analyses. There is one ancillary engineering data file per long-cadence data collection interval. In some cases ancillary engineering data exists for time intervals where no valid science data was collected.Data RetrievalFiles can be retrieved using either the K2 FFI+ or the Kepler FFI+ search form by selecting archive class "ENG". The Kepler search form will return engineering files with a start date on or before May 11, 2013. The K2 form will return engineering files obtained after 2013. The file names shown in the search results have the form "kplr[timestamp]" where the timestamp is the UTC time associated with the end of the corresponding long cadence file data in YYYYDDDHHMMSS format. The full name of the retrieved files will be in the form kplr[timestamp]_anc-eng.fits.Since launch, over 93,000 engineering files have been archived and made public. CompositionThe ancillary engineering data files are in FITS format. Values for each mnemonic are contained in an individual FITS binary table extension containing 1 or more rows of 2 columns; one for the readout time (in MJD) and the other for the parameter value. The keywords in each extension give a rough description of the parameter. These files have roughly 200 extensions.The ancillary engineering data headers are specified below. FITS header keywordsKepler Ancillary Engineering data header format:keyword = value comment datatype option_flag where 'value' is only shown for keywords with constant values, and option_flag has values: Y = optional; N = required; C = constant SIMPLE = T data conform to FITS standard L1 C BITPIX = 0 bits per data value I2 N NAXIS = 0 number of data array dimensions I2 N EXTEND = T File may contain standard extensions L1 N NEXTEND = Number of standard extensions I2 N TELESCOP= Kepler telescope used to acquire data C06 C INSTRUME= CCD identifier for instrument used to acquire data C03 N RADECSYS= ICRS refernce frame of coordinates C4 C DATE = date this file was written (yyyy-mm-dd) C10 N ORIGIN = STScI institution responsible for creating FITS file C18 N FILENAME= name of file C39 N DATSETNM= data set name of the file C34 N / Configuration identifiers FLSW_VER= Flight Software version number C20 N SCCONFIG= Spacecraft configuration counter C20 N / Pointing information RA-XAXIS= s/c -x axis Right Ascension (deg.) R4 N DEC-XAXS= s/c -x axis declination (deg.) R4 N ROLLANGL= s/c roll angle (deg. from N.) R4 N END