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On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

K2 High Level Science Products
(updated 15 Oct, 2019)

  • K2 Extracted Lightcurves (k2sff) This page describes the K2 extracted lightcurves produced by Vanderburg and Johnson. The current release includes Campaigns 0 though 14 plus the pre-campaign 0 engineering targets.

  • K2 Extracted Lightcurves (k2varcat) This HLSP includes extracted and detrended lightcurves for sources classified as "star" or "extended source". They also provide a variability catalog that includes a type (eclipsing binary, periodic, aperiodic, quasi-periodic), a period, a range, and an amplitude. The lightcurve FITS files, preivew plots, and variability catalog are all available at the MAST HLSP page and in the MAST Discovery Portal. Campaigns 0 to 4 light curves are currently available.

  • K2 Systematics Correction (k2sc) K2SC (K2 Systematics Correction) is a K2 light curve (LC) detrending tool produced by Aigrain et al, that uses Gaussian processes (GPs) to robustly model the systematics due to the Kepler telescope pointing jitter together with the astrophysical variability. Light curves from Campaigns 3 through 8 and Campaign 102 are available.

  • EPIC Variability Extraction and Removal for Exoplanet Targets (EVEREST) EVEREST is an open-source pipeline for removing instrumental systematics from K2 light curves, using a combination of pixel-level decorrelations to remove spacecraft pointing error and Gaussian processes to capture astrophysical variability. Light curves from campaigns 0 through 8, 102, 111, 112, 12 and 13 are currently available.

  • Planet candidates from Optimal Aperture Reduction (POLAR) POLAR uses an optimised aperture for each star and a decorrelation of the systematic noise. Planetary and eclipsing binary candidates are flagged. Light curves from Campaigns 1 through 6 are available.

  • K2 Galactic Archaeology Project (K2GAP) K2GAP uses K2SFF-detrended light curves, applies additional processing to them, and then measures asteroseismology parameters (dnu and numax) for red giants observed with K2 using six different seismology pipelines. The team provides their version of the detrended light curves, power spectra, and a catalog of the dnu and numax values for their targets. Light curves from Campaign 1 are currently available.

  • K2 Extragalactic Survey Project (KEGS) The KEGS project creates detrended light curves for extragalactic targets observed in K2. The team constructs their own cotrending basis vectors (CBVs) using the galaxies on each channel using a PCA analysis, solving for CBV coefficients alongside the sawtooth pattern coefficients introduced by the pointing drift. Light curves from Campaign 5, 6, and 8 are currently available.

  • Astrometrically Calibrated Images of Cluster Regions Observed by K2 (K2SUPERSTAMP) The K2SUPERSTAMP project consists of image data on four open clusters observed by K2. The clusters are M35, M67, Ruprecht 147, and NGC 6530-- the Lagoon Nebula Cluster. The team has stitched together all small stamps for each region to create one large image for every epoch, and subsequently fit a world coordinate system (WCS) solution to each resulting FITS file.

  • PanSTARRS Follow-up Of K2 Campaign 16 and 17 Supernova Fields (K2SNE) K2SNE provides PanSTARRS follow-up imaging of fields covered during the K2 mission's 16th and 17th Campaigns. The primary motivation was to identify supernovae in the K2 fields rapidly enough to enable follow-up observations. Transients were identified by the PanSTARRS Transient Science Server within 12-24 hours of observations.

  • The K2 Bright Star Survey (HALO) The HALO project produces calibrated light curves of stars from K2 that are brighter than the saturation limit of the detector (~11th magnitude). Light curves of 161 bright stars from K2 Campaign 4 and onwards are provided, derived from the unsaturated scattered-light 'halo' around the stars. Light curve creation relies on optimizing the weights of a linear combination of the pixel time series using a lagged Total Variation minimization, which is demonstrated to work on both saturated and unsaturated K2 targets. After flux extraction from the halo apertures, the light curves are further corrected using the 'k2sc' Gaussian Process systematics-correction code to further correct pointing residuals.