HUT Extraction Software
Standard FITS I/O SoftwareThe various FITS files from HUT (idf.fits, cal.fits, and tv.fits) can all be read by any standard FITS I/O library. A summary of some of the most popular ones can be found here.As a very quick example, here are a few lines that demonstrate how to read the night-only spectrum for an observation of Z-CAM. This assumes you've already downloaded the FITS files.
C Routines Provided By HUT TeamThe HUT team has also provided a set of C routines to read in the idf.fits files and create cal.fits files. This can be useful if, for example, you wish to modify the inclusion/exclusion of particular photons to re-create a new spectrum. The package can be downloaded here in a gzipped tarball, which contains the necessary C program files, Makefile, and README. |