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Specifications for Selection of HST/STIS for Scrapbook


General goal: show STIS images in 5 bands: Far-UV, near-UV, Visible, R, plus line and coronographic mode.

Filter choice for all bands, in ranked order
  Far-UV Near-UV Visible R Line Coronography
2nd choice F25SRF2 (FUV-MAMA) F25SRF2 (NUV-MAMA)     F28X50OIII  
3rd choice 25MAMA (FUV-MAMA) 25MAMA (NUV-MAMA)        

General Guidelines

Relevant keywords for STIS imaging:

sci_instrument_config: STIS/CCD (CCD), STIS/NUV-MAMA and STIS/FUV-MAMA (MAMAs)

sci_spec_1234: MIRVIS (visible), MIRFUV (MAMA, Far-UV), MIRNUV (MAMA, Near-UV)

sci_aper_1234: 50CCD (clear), F28X50LP (optical longpass, > 5,000 A), F28X50OIII ([O III]), F28X50OII ([O II]), 25MAMA (clear), F25QTZ (UV near longpass), F25SRF2 (UV far longpass)

Include everything with a preview which is non-proprietary. When more than one image with the same filter is available, pick the one with the longest exposure time. If that includes more than one image, pick the most recent one.

Definition of individual pointing

The STIS 50CCD aperture has a 52"x52" field of view (FOV), while the other visible apertures have a 28"x52" FOV. The definition of individual pointing, following what assumed for WFPC2, could be that of a circle centered on the position with radius corresponding to 1/4 the size of detector, and therefore 13". The MAMAs have a 25"x25" FOV, so in this case the definition of individual pointing should be that of a circle centered on the position with radius of 6.25".