The Dataset References page lists MAST database entries for
observations referenced in a particular journal paper.
The paper title, authors, and bibcode (with a link to the
ADS paper),
are shown at the top of the page. This is followed by
the MAST search results as described below.
For non-HST missions, the individual data sets described
in the paper are listed, and listings for each mission are shown
For HST, data sets pertaining to referenced proposal
IDs are listed, with data from each individual proposal ID
shown separately.
In each case, the first 20 entries are shown along with a note
stating if more were actually found. Each entry contains the same
links and options as the standard mission search results. Clicking
on the mission names will bring up the standard mission search
form (with the data ids included) for more detailed search requests.
It should be noted that the determination of which data sets (or
proposal IDs) are referenced in a paper is all done manually.
Staff members scan the various journals, locate references to
archived data, and create a database
of bibcodes and data IDs. This information is then provided
to the ADS for display with their online papers.
To help automate this process, authors are encouraged to use
the new ADS dataset Identifier notation
whenever possible.