The series of ASCII Catalogs contain summaries of the WUPPE observations
obtained from the WUPPE database. Catalogs of all WUPPE observations sorted
by coordinates and sorted by WUPPE category are available via ftp.
The fields contained in the logs are listed below.
target name assigned by the ASTRO team
RA and Dec of target (J2000)
Observation Date
Date and time of observation start
Exposure Length
The total useable exposure times in seconds.
Mean % Polarization
Mean percent polarization averaged over approximately 1450-3200 Å (calculated for halfwave data only).
Mean Error
Mean error in percent polarization averaged over approximately 1450-3200 Å
A broad astronomical category assigned by the the ASTRO team.
These categories were incoded into the pointing id which is included in
this log as part of the data ID. The translation
of the pointing id is included in this version of the WUPPE log.
Data ID
The WUPPE entry_id uniquely defines each WUPPE observation. The name is of the form
OBJECTID = object name (e.g., GAM-GEM or NGC4151), identical to the entries under "Target Name",
nnnnnn = a unique six-digit number (also known as the pointid), based on the 2-digit ASTRO Science Class,
a 2-digit preassigned target number for a given science class (although some targets have more than one
target number), and a 2-digit pointing number (i.e., jotfid) for a particular target. The first digit of the
pointing number is a sequential number indicating the nth observation at a particular roll angle, and the
second digit is the nth exposure at that roll angle.
As an example, entry_id WUPPE1_HD5980_226911 designates an observation of HD5980, which is in science class
22, was the 69th selected target in class 22, the first observation at a given roll angle, and the first observation at
that roll angle. Within the ASTRO project, the number 226911 would be referred to as the pointid and the jotfid is