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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

There are several ways of interacting and searching with the TIC. The best interface depends on your objectives, but often the expected number of targets you want to search for dictates the best tool for the job. Step-by-step tutorials are provided below, based on some common search tasks. For users who really need to download the full version of the TIC or CTL, you can download them, split into multiple CSV files or in one monolithic .tar.gz bundle.

Single-Target or Coordinate Search Uploading A List (a few thousand) And Cross-Matching to Get TIC IDs
Examples: Find the TIC ID for HD 209458. Search CTL centered on K2 Camp. 2. Example: Upload Kepler KOI list and cross-match with the CTL.
Using Advanced Search To Filter Down To 104-105 Targets Writing SQL Queries To Select > 105 Targets
Example: Find dwarfs in the CTL with 2000 K < T_eff < 3500 K and high priority. Example: Find every target in the southern hemisphere that looks like a K dwarf.
Customizing Output Columns
Example: Export a table in a format expected by the Goddard Mission Office.