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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

LEGUS Survey

Survey Description

LEGUS (Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey) is a Treasury Program that will image 50 local (closer than 12 Mpc) galaxies in multiple colours with WFC3 and ACS. Because of the proximity of all targets, the galaxies will be resolved into their main components: stars, star clusters, and associations.
Survey Science Goals

The observations will be used to accomplish the main science goals of LEGUS: (1) quantify how the clustering of star formation evolves both in space and time, (2) discriminate among models of star cluster evolution, (3) investigate the effects of SFH on the UV SFR calibrations, (4) explore the impacts of environment on star formation and cluster evolution across the full range of galactic and ISM properties, (5) investigate UV-excess globular clusters across multiple environments, (6) study the environment surrounding supernovae.

Hubble stage T = 0-2

LEGUS Target RA DEC Morphology Distance (Mpc)
NGC 1291 03:17:23.12 -41:06:26.7 SBa 10.4
NGC1433 03:42:01.0 -47:13:26.5 SBab 8.3
NGC1510 04:03:34.05 -43:23:54.9 SA0 pec 11.7
NGC1512 04:03:54.66 -43:21:03.3 SBab 11.6
ESO486-G021 05:03:19.69 -25:25:22.6 S? 9.5
NGC3368 10:46:45.74 +11:49:11.8 SABab 10.5
NGC4594 12:40:08.30 -11:37:27.2 SAa 9.1
Hubble stage T = 2-4

LEGUS Target RA DEC Morphology Distance (Mpc)
NGC1566 04:20:00.53 -54:56:13.8 SABbc 13.2
NGC3351 10:43:57.76 11:42:12.9 SBb 10.0
NGC3627 11:20:14.94 12:57:37.7 SABb 10.1
NGC4248 12:17:49.85 +47:24:33.1 S? 7.8
NGC4258 12:18:57.39 +47:18:30.1 SABbc 7.98
IC4247 13:26:43.45 -30:21:40.8 S? 5.11
NGC5195 13:30:01.15 47:16:13.2 I0 pec 7.66
Hubble stage T = 4-6

LEGUS Target RA DEC Morphology Distance (Mpc)
UGC695 01:07:46.44 +01:03:49.2 Sc 10.9
NGC628 01:36:39.67 15:46:35.8 SAc 9.9
IC559 09:44:43.89 +09:36:54.0 Sc 5.3
NGC3344 10:43:31.15 24:55:20.0 SABbc 7.0
NGC4605 12:39:59.69 61:36:32.2 SBc 5.7
NGC5194 13:29:57.67 47:13:59.5 SAbc 7.66
NGC5457 14:03:11.72 54:21:31.3 SABcd 6.7
NGC5949 15:28:00.67 +64:45:47.5 SAbc 14.3
NGC6503 17:49:23.06 70:09:03.9 SAcd 5.27
NGC6744 19:09:46.00 -63:51:21.2 SABbc 7.1
Hubble stage T = 6-8

LEGUS Target RA DEC Morphology Distance (Mpc)
NGC45 00:14:00.43 -23:10:03.4 SAdm 6.61
NGC1313 03:18:30.05 -66:28:45.0 SBd 4.39
NGC2500 08:01:53.09 50:44:21.3 SBd 10.1
NGC3274 10:32:17.30 27:40:08.0 SABd 6.55
UGC7242 12:14:09.24 66:04:45.1 Scd 5.42
NGC4242 12:17:30.04 45:37:11.4 SABdm 5.8
NGC4490 12:30:36.14 41:38:20.4 SBd 7.2
NGC5238 13:34:45.05 51:35:57.4 SABdm 4.51
NGC5474 14:05:01.5 53:39:44.0 SAcd 6.8
NGC7793 23:57:40.86 -32:35:20.6 SAd 3.44
Hubble stage T = 8-9.5

LEGUS Target RA DEC Morphology Distance (Mpc)
UGC685 01:07:25.81 16:41:35.5 SAm 4.83
UGC1249 01:47:29.9 27:20:00.0 SBm 6.9
UGC7408 12:21:15.2 45:48:43.0 IAm 6.7
NGC4395 12:25:56.60 33:31:10.1 SAm 4.3
NGC4485 12:30:31.92 41:41:33.8 IBm 7.6
NGC4656 12:43:57.54 32:10:13.3 SBm 5.5
NGC5477 14:05:33.3 54:27:39.0 SAm 6.4
Hubble stage T = 9.5-11

LEGUS Target RA DEC Morphology Distance (Mpc)
NGC1705 04:54:13.7 -53:21:40.9 SA0 5.1
UGC4305 08:19:13.85 70:42:43.1 Im 3.05
UGC4459 08:34:05.04 66:10:59.2 Im 3.66
UGC5139 09:40:31.52 71:11:23.2 IABm 3.98
UGC5340 09:56:46.28 28:49:15.3 Im 5.9
NGC3738 11:35:47.1 54:31:32.0 Im 4.9
NGC4449 12:28:12.06 44:05:42.3 IBm 4.31
UGCA281 12:26:15.85 48:29:38.8 Sm 5.9
NGC5253 13:39:55.9 -31:38:24.0 Im 3.15