EUVE Atlas of StarsThis page takes you to a table containing EUVE (Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Data) spectra of 94 stars selected by Craig et al. (1997). The list is roughly representative of the sample of stars by the EUVE project during its lifetime (1992-January 2001). These spectra were taken whenever possible with all the three bandpasses, short- (SW; 70-190 Å), medium- (MW; 140-380 Å), and long-wavelength (LW; 280-760 Å). The spectral resolutions for these cameras are 0.5, 1, and 2 Å, respectively. The stars are organized in a table by spectral type and by subcategories within each type. A user may click on the 'ps' link to browse a multi-panel image or one of the three bandpass links to download the data in compressed FITS format. The x-axis is in wavelength units, while the y-axis is in units of photons/cm^2/s/Å). It is important to point out that the spectra in this atlas were only the best available at the time of the compilation. In some cases longer exposures were made after the atlas was constructed (late in the mission lifetime) and are available in the HEASARC/MAST archives.