The Astrophysics Data Centers Executive Council (ADEC)
has recommended a naming convention for referencing
datasets in astronomical literature. The convention is
basically to add a prefix to the current dataset names
producing a reference of the form:
"ADS" indicates that the ADS is
the "registering authority" for ADEC identifiers,
"facility" is a name registered with the ADS in the form:
(but apparently not mandated?) "observatory.telescope". Space-based
observatories are designated as either "Sa" for satellites, and "Sh" for
shuttle experiments.
"identifier" is the data set name as currently used (e.g., SWP16877).
The list of MAST-relevant facilities registered with the ADS are stored online in
an xml-format file at:
and include the following:
NRAO.VLA National Radio Astronomy Observatory/VLA, Very Large Array
(because of FIRST data)
PBO.HPOL Pine Bluff Observatory, Halfwave Spectropolarimeter
( for HPOL data)
Note that the ASTRO telescopes are considered Shuttle experiments
rather than satellites so they have the "Sh" rather than "Sa"
notation for the observatory, (which I guess is technically true,
they were never released from the shuttle.
To verify the existence of particular MAST data sets using the standard naming conventions,
and display the recommended data set reference following the AAS guidelines,
go to".