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Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I get Copernicus archival data?

How do I download the Copernicus Spectral Atlas data?


What are the wavelength ranges of the various Copernicus detectors?

Did the instrument sensitivity significantly degrade with time?


How do I read a Copernicus FITS file?

How do I coadd Copernicus Scans?

How do know what wavelength regions were observed for a particular object?

Where do I get Copernicus archival data?

  • At the end of the mission, Princeton provided the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) with a compact set of data on 9-track tapes as the final archive of the Copernicus science mission. The data were formatted in such a manner that special programs were needed to extract the information, bit by bit, from the archive. Under a grant from NASA's Astrophysics Data Program, the Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics and the IUE Data Analysis Center have converted the tape files into FITS format disk files and created an on-line archive of Copernicus ultraviolet spectra.

    There is one FITS file of raw scans for each of the 551 objects observed by Copernicus. These files can be retrieved from the raw target list, the Copernicus search page, and via the anonymous FTP at in the /pub/copernicus/raw subdirectory. The FITS files containing the raw spectral scans are constructed using a Binary table extension and the proposed "variable length array facility" as described in the NOST FITS Draft Standard. Each row of the binary table contains the data from one spectral scan.

    In addition to the raw data files, coadded contemporaneous scans from the U1 high resolution channel (900-1560 Å) and U2 (900-1650 Å) channel are available from the Copernicus Coadded Scan search page, and via the anonymous ftp at in the U1 coadded scan directory and the U2 coadded scan directory The files are stored as standard Binary table FITS files using fixed length vector fields. The files are intended primarily for quick-look data analysis.

How do I download the Copernicus Spectral Atlas Files?

What are the wavelength ranges of the Copernicus detectors?

Did the instrument sensitivity significantly degrade with time?

How do I read a Copernicus FITS file?

How do I coadd Copernicus Scans?

  • The IDL program STACK allows U1 or U2 Copernicus scans to be coadded. This software was used to create the "quick-look" coadded scan files and is available to users from either the Copernicus Spectral Scan page (which currently requires you to know the name of a coadded scan file), or from the browse files accessible after searching the coadded scan database. In principle, STACK can coadd any Copernicus scans, however only scans taken close in time and using the same detector can produce meaningful results. For this reason, use of STACK is restricted to addiing or subtracting the existing sets of coadded scans.

How do I know what wavelength regions were observed for a particular object?