Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3)
is a panchromatic camera that was installed in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as part of Servicing Mission 4 (SM4).
WFC3 has two cameras covering, respectively, ultraviolet and visual wavelengths (200 to 1,000 nm; the UVIS channel)
and near-infrared wavelengths (900 to 1,700 nm; the IR channel).
Each camera is equipped with a wide range of narrow, medium and
broadband filters, together with low-resolution spectroscopic prisms or "grisms".
WFC3 was originally conceived in 1997 as a backup instrument to ACS (2003 AAS abstract 2010 MacKenty SPIE paper).
As a facility instrument, led by the HST Project, there is no science team.
External oversight has been provided by the Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC), which was originally constituted in 1998.
The SOC has therefore been closely involved in the definition, development and characterization of WFC3 since the outset,
and the SOC members have acquired a corresponding familiarity with the scientific potential of this instrument.
More information about the Science Program, relevant publications and the SOC.
M83 Press Release STScI-2009-29