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On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

Data Products From TESS Data Alerts ("TESS-DATA-ALERTS")


Description of Data Products

Data Access

Download Data Release Notes

Sample TESS target pixel file stack and aperture (TIC 261136679 shown here).


The TESS mission successfully launched on 18 April 2018 and began science operations on 25 July 2018. Observations of science Sector 1 were performed from 25 July to 22 August, during which pixel data from nearly 16,000 objects were collected at two-minute cadence. These data were sent to the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) at NASA Ames for calibration, reduction, cotrending, and transit detection. The potential planet signatures, in the form of Threshold Crossing Events (TCEs), were reviewed by the TESS Science Office to identify targets for imaging and spectroscopic follow-up. A total of 44 high-quality planet candidates in Sector 1 were initially selected from the two-minute cadence data for follow-up observations by the TESS Follow-Up Program (TFOP). Additional deliveries of alerts are provided as more Sectors and multi-Sector searches are conducted by the team. In the table below, the target pixel files, extracted light curves, and data validation reports for planet candidates identified as TESS Data Alerts are made available for download.

The release notes describing these products can be downloaded via the Data Release Notes link at the top of this page. You can refer to the full collection of TESS-DATA-ALERTS data products using the DOI

Description of Data Products

The target pixel files (TPFs), extracted light curves, and Data Validation (DV) files are stored as FITS or PDF files, with the following naming convention:

  • <tid> = TESS Input Catalog (TIC) identifier of the host star
  • <s##> = the 2-digit, zero-padded sector number the TPF comes from
  • [-##]; = the 2-digit, zero-padded planet candidate number, only present for the dvs.pdf files
  • <exten> = "tp.fits" for the target pixel files, "lc.fits" for the extracted light curve files, "dvr.pdf" for the full report PDFs, and "dvs.pdf" for the DV summary PDFs

As an example, here are the full file names for the data products from TIC 52368076, from Sector 1, for the second planet candidate:


Some targets have additional data validation reports that include information from multiple sectors. In those cases, the files include multiple sector numbers in the dvr.pdf and dvs.pdf files. For example, the "dvs.pdf" files and the "dvr.pdf" file for the target TIC 51912829 that has three planet candidates and include data from both sectors 1 and 2 are named:


In addition to the TPF and DV files, a .csv table containing information on the TOI's released as part of the TESS data alerts HLSP is also included in the table below. The .csv columns are:

TIC ID, TOI ID, Disposition, RA (deg.), Dec. (deg.), TESS mag, TESS mag uncertainty, Primary Transit Epoch (T0) (BJD - 2457000.), T0 Uncertainty, Orbital Period (days), Orbital Period Uncertainty, Primary Transit Duration (hours), Primary Transit Duration Uncertainty

Note that the names of files released as part of the Data Alerts HLSP do not follow the same naming convention as TESS data products in the full public release. Except where and if noted, the Data Alerts files are produced by the TESS mission pipeline. The format and structure of those products are identical to the ones to be released in the first TESS data release.

Data Access

The data products are available for download through the table below. A bundle of all data products for all targets is available for download at the top of the table. Note that the exoplanet parameters are from the Sector 1 information when an exoplanet candidate is present in both Sector 1 and Sector 2. Rows containing data products that analyze multiple sectors of data together are denoted by multi-sector strings, e.g., "1-3" for data that span Sectors 1 through 3. But note: the range is the possible minimum and maximum Sectors used, it does not mean data was necessarily used from each Sector in the range in that column or file name. Always consult the information contained with the data validation reports to determine what data was used to generate those reports. Some planet candidates only have sector-combined data validation files, in those situations, the individual sector DV table cells will be empty, and the corresponding sector-combined DV files should be the primary reference for data validation information.

Note: Some TOI's were identified from the Full Frame Images using an MIT "Quick Look Pipeline" (QLP). These do not have 2-minute cadence products at the time they were announced, and are identifed as such with "FFI" and "FFI-QLP" in the table below. Download the Full Frame Images from the mission data products for these targets using MAST interfaces like TESSCut, the Portal, Astroquery, or bulk downloads. For a summary of how to search for and retrieve TESS data products, see the Data Search Summary page of the TESS Archive Manual.

TOI Target Information (Download .csv File)   |   Bundle Of All Files (Download .tar.gz File ~9 GB)
TIC ID TOI ID RA (deg.) Dec. (deg.) Period (days) Epoch (TJD) Sectors TP File LC File DV File Comment
1129033 398.01 37.155148 -7.060682 1.36003 1412.34503          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-77b
2758565 287.01 356.283124 -17.449174 3.78192 1356.03117          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP synchronized with stellar rotation
2760710 227.01 356.527700 -16.691200 NaN 1364.102069          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf The second event is not real. single transit (no period).
7624182 412.01 64.311397 -38.844151 1.10801 1411.822          
            4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP need to check 7624180 with follow-up
8988289 316.01 354.759305 -9.882061 13.32379 1365.98759          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped
9006668 238.01 349.231362 -18.606628 1.272419 1354.669184          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf centroid offset not significant.
9032368 373.01 355.901887 -11.269515 1.632 1355.67942          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP target is likely 9032367 (still possible to be a planet);
9033144 367.01 349.606182 -19.823931 4.71452 1354.29153          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP likely EB
9100874 307.01 350.578441 -22.677390 6.16425 1357.84005          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
9102327 313.01 350.779792 -19.419677 3.2615 1354.54332          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP target star is two stars in Gaia (); check if it is on target;
9725627 239.01 358.408542 -10.118057 4.15701 1356.962278          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
9727392 236.01 358.444723 -10.884944 4.534451 1355.325711          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf 1700 ppm secondary. Likely EB.
9858404 394.01 48.499528 -8.573568 0.39149 1411.26947          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP v-shaped; some odd-even
12421862 198.01 2.268200 -27.122100 20.427265 1356.375417          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
12423815 234.01 2.568707 -26.282400 2.839249 1356.088115          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf centroid shift is not significant.
12862099 259.01 3.903156 -11.938108 2.423823 1386.578118          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-44
13023378 344.01 347.053599 -28.007883 6.06764 1358.25733          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
13023738 360.01 347.084817 -29.590306 8.05577 1354.97828          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP centroid shift in X/Y is due to the star nearby but the signal is on target.
20892672 378.01 1.398970 -19.489429 3.10926 1356.50088          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP 2 stars in same pixel with dmag 1
25155310 114.01 63.373890 -69.226789 3.28891 1327.51895          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-126
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
25375553 143.01 328.767654 -22.612566 2.310894 1325.58249          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
27966179 330.01 358.751494 -22.538712 4.27958 1355.6917          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
29344935 109.01 313.215480 -25.687338 2.766737 1326.127529          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-14
29781292 282.01 65.238019 -68.102664 56.00327 1337.21241          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             two transits; a third transit could be an eccentric secondary or single transit of second planet; there are nearby stars (TIC 29781293) and centroid analysis inconclusive
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
29781292 282.02 65.238019 -68.102664 31.323499 1355.735635          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             could be a secondary of .01 or a single transit detection of a second planet
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
29831208 124.01 66.582618 -67.806508 1.84286 1326.544424          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf known TOI
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
29857954 172.01 316.631883 -26.692620 9.47572 1326.91973          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Star to NW checked. Transit likely on the target.
29960109 393.01 42.249300 -14.537900 2.49221 1411.66942          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP may be on 29960110
32090583 218.01 58.420270 -68.739532 0.438317 1325.550345          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; host star is m dwarf
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
33911302 341.01 355.844948 -23.997888 1.81383 1355.75117          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
35857242 400.01 41.639090 -0.463937 3.6349 1413.31319          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-138
37749396 260.01 4.773193 -9.964846 13.470018 1392.294408          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf only two transits
38541473 395.01 56.304548 -10.973384 6.06054 1415.51522          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP large; possible EB
38696105 281.01 66.136300 -60.129968 5.566734 1387.482051          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
38846515 106.01 68.959732 -64.027040 2.84938 1326.74502          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-100
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
41865539 335.01 21.322323 -39.947812 1.26092 1354.86627          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP odd even unreliable
42054565 280.01 24.168710 -36.413670 10.175948 1393.67584          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf low SNR; possible instrument systematic; source is possibly 42054566 which is 4.24 as away
47316976 288.01 340.307725 -28.032712 NaN 1364.46064          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP single transit
47423120 352.01 342.067496 -24.838607 11.6235 1356.83006          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP The period could be half;
47425697 364.01 342.256131 -24.959275 0.49393 1354.46949          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP a little v-shaped; possible EB
47484268 226.01 342.966400 -24.787500 NaN 1358.500535          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf The second event is not real. Single transit (no period).
47525799 225.01 343.879737 -24.409619 NaN 1355.118503          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf single transit (no period); centroid information is hard to interpret
49687222 254.01 351.705496 -11.725416 20.186539 1360.073308          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf The transit shape looks asymmetric but it is not near known systematics; recommend to confirm signal on target before follow up.
49710555 291.01 352.164383 -10.859566 12.07397 1359.62204          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible centroid shift
49899799 416.01 48.854273 -2.175283 7.01152 1413.19546          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP tropical Jupiter
51912829 180.01 14.298400 -67.496272 0.835398 1325.897913          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Likely EB
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
52204645 209.01 19.394306 -66.902497 4.379757 1325.883984          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             The signal is likely on target; the centroid offset seen in SPOC report is likely caused by the nearby giant 9th mag star;which has a peak in periodogram at 8.60 days; and causes the second bright spot seen in difference image
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
52368076 125.01 23.594697 -66.675830 4.653811 1327.432906          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
52368076 125.02 23.594697 -66.675830 9.150607 1334.45669          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf second planet (125.02)
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
52368076 125.03 23.594697 -66.675830 19.981866 1342.851835          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf period is likely correct but possibly two independent single transits
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
55452495 336.01 70.670414 -64.885194 8.85709 1328.46551          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP 2x period; hot star; may not be on target
55650590 206.01 73.737190 -62.522369 0.736283 1325.542781          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Gaia indicates it is an M dwarf
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
55652896 216.01 73.980231 -63.260063 34.539342 1331.28513          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             warm Jupiter
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
55652896 216.02 73.980231 -63.260063 17.099142 1325.335632          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             another warm Jupiter in the system
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
62483237 139.01 336.402307 -34.909623 11.058421 1334.896388          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Level 1 candidate
63898957 261.01 15.217632 -24.423907 3.361391 1387.285571          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf ambiguous period
63898957 261.02 15.217632 -24.423907 13.039359 1389.727185          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf ambiguous period; many transits; need photometry to constrain period
66356824 315.01 12.076306 -32.119339 1.77662 1355.60958          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
66413476 325.01 13.876994 -33.512212 4.36924 1357.72126          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP There might be some odd even difference.
66497310 343.01 356.045314 -18.889502 1.75649 1355.52155          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
69838258 339.01 337.921602 -21.945681 6.73069 1354.57336          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP difference image not conclusive
70440470 126.01 339.489337 -35.153982 3.035381 1326.731043          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
70513361 262.01 32.533514 -31.069860 11.146909 1389.839926          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf ambiguous period
70785910 348.01 1.583606 -30.336272 0.49486 1354.36474          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped;
70797900 224.01 1.977400 -29.979000 NaN 1365.843681          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf V-shaped; single transit; likely EB.
76923707 181.01 352.171955 -34.491371 4.532037 1358.118127          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
76989773 182.01 353.294594 -35.463618 1.769141 1355.082723          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf v-shaped; two stars in PSF
77031413 368.01 354.170142 -34.611816 1.38665 1355.1953          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP two stars in the same pixel;
77031414 241.01 354.168219 -34.611234 1.386653 1355.195771          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf target could also be 77031413.
77044471 228.01 358.558713 -30.012999 2.686063 1356.102509          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-16
79395355 164.01 320.054165 -51.309907 7.31898 1328.33733          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Potential blend with 79395356 to NE
80432617 359.01 11.673080 -42.361801 5.48403 1360.67423          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP two events (near 1360 and 1377); wrong period?
80439101 340.01 11.747296 -44.369938 7.42229 1361.05759          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped; likely EB; period could be twice the reported.
89020549 132.01 338.399420 -43.436628 2.109307 1326.903983          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Possible centroid shift toward faint star to the SE
92226327 256.01 11.247108 -15.271294 24.73712 1389.285282          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf LHS-1140b
92226327 256.02 11.247108 -15.271294 3.778378 1389.293276          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf LHS-1140c
92352620 107.01 313.783108 -34.135572 3.950054 1328.29934          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-94A (planet host)
92359850 387.01 52.225563 -19.979760 4.15493 1411.50406          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP should check 92359852 with follow-up photometry
97409519 113.01 332.714323 -30.749674 3.372877 1327.053085          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-124
99493790 162.01 317.639656 -23.305696 7.76686 1332.98188          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
100014359 380.01 23.280468 -47.882043 0.50459 1354.38198          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
100097716 354.01 24.047739 -42.303771 2.99995 1354.37712          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Two stars in the same pixel
100099031 353.01 24.272345 -46.945312 1.29866 1355.02081          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP big;
100100827 185.01 24.354314 -45.677896 0.941449 1354.458014          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-18b
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
100990000 411.01 54.819851 -42.762575 9.57219 1386.18895          
            3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
101948569 240.01 14.754696 -44.160832 19.472408 1360.113171          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
102030574 305.01 15.844683 -44.705807 9.94962 1364.10083          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP likely EB;
114749636 306.01 359.191553 -22.153163 4.59971 1357.67041          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
115242351 297.01 6.176856 -36.114396 5.67116 1358.77289          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
116156517 338.01 7.709303 -40.573434 5.36732 1357.37358          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
118327533 346.01 10.344500 -37.343003 8.28154 1354.79225          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP the period is twice as reported; V-shaped.
118327550 244.01 10.570615 -36.718138 7.395586 1357.365444          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Stellar radius is likely to be smaller because Teff is low. Gaia shows it is a high proper motion star with big parallax.
118586896 365.01 10.922291 -38.043195 12.10588 1365.97342          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP likely EB; V-shaped
120585579 242.01 4.451491 -38.110851 6.340315 1357.778211          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf The detected secondary could have a wrong depth estimation because of the low points near 1380.
120610833 229.01 5.237503 -35.998265 3.126068 1354.773398          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf V-shaped.
120896927 402.01 36.868245 -27.635184 4.75649 1387.67761          
            3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP there may be a second planet at the period of 9.698 found by SPOC
120916706 263.01 37.108100 -25.097400 0.556737 1386.172349          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
122612091 264.01 41.040001 -30.169041 2.21685 1385.61513          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-72b
122613513 279.01 41.188507 -32.210889 11.489788 1388.368911          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
129637892 155.01 321.114974 -37.850144 5.43636 1326.74444          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
139285736 377.01 348.039807 -45.017154 1.55028 1326.05107          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible centroid offset;
139285832 332.01 348.058743 -44.876365 0.77707 1325.80984          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
139357541 328.01 349.487672 -43.925560 4.47894 1355.80666          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped
140068425 140.01 330.301574 -49.060026 2.28139 1327.399305          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
140691463 157.01 73.701279 -76.680516 2.08457 1326.54604          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
141608198 210.01 88.960448 -73.984659 9.010138 1329.821358          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Gaia indicates this is a M dwarf. There is another star in the same aperture; SG1 needed.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
144065872 105.01 337.457199 -48.003087 2.184659 1326.50599          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-95
144276942 361.01 353.904034 -44.808807 1.53533 1354.57959          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
144301052 301.01 354.297494 -42.010266 3.74317 1356.92824          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
144301273 376.01 354.445491 -42.966404 2.75161 1355.44295          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
144336525 326.01 356.114886 -46.866585 0.24733 1354.25954          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP really short period.
144440290 222.01 359.161519 -44.719088 NaN 1376.544          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf single transit (no period)
145750719 303.01 341.364029 -14.991761 3.56133 1357.55952          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
147203645 166.01 323.195894 -44.017794 5.06187 1326.38424          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
149010208 243.01 3.394055 -31.334372 3.437004 1356.619165          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Gaia radius is 1.8 Rsun. Planet radius is big.
149603524 102.01 87.139956 -63.988427 4.4121 1326.07657          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-62
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
149990841 167.01 90.662314 -64.819485 4.45339 1328.03406          
            1,2,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
150030205 286.01 90.983643 -60.666326 4.511412 1327.82102          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             likely marginal
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
150098860 220.01 91.799884 -61.996896 10.696823 1335.900564          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             slight grazing
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
152476657 415.01 62.616051 -45.898221 3.61194 1411.72779          
            4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-120
153065527 406.01 49.262400 -42.242400 13.17363 1388.56658          
            3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
154618248 245.01 345.778770 -33.500373 8.773772 1361.546719          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf "The target is two stars separated by <1""; TICOffset and OOTOffset not significant; no other star at the location of the centroid shift indicating signal likely on target"
155986102 337.01 7.329948 -50.140124 6.87168 1360.61731          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP The period is twice as reported; there appear to be a second event in the data.
155995204 384.01 7.658508 -52.049388 9.30734 1357.58381          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP big;
156002449 324.01 8.481881 -50.729261 5.2852 1357.7274          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Big;
156016136 371.01 8.923843 -50.316982 3.4805 1357.43733          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
156075294 299.01 10.594603 -48.293550 5.72144 1354.69581          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
158623531 246.01 24.168162 -50.659178 7.872846 1355.732521          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-105
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
159951311 265.01 49.562227 -41.302145 5.92479 1387.5705          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-139
160074939 230.01 346.319044 -36.945536 13.340145 1366.329788          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf The transit signal maybe caused by scattered light.
160148385 247.01 1.046353 -47.360626 3.425239 1354.319952          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-96
164767175 266.01 26.209635 -18.400947 10.767807 1393.078739          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf period ambiguous for .01 and .02; unclear which transits are attributed to which candidates; will not be observed again in nominal mission
164767175 266.02 26.209635 -18.400947 6.19132 1392.104974          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf period ambiguous for .01 and .02; unclear which transits are attributed to which candidates; will not be observed again in nominal mission
166697854 300.01 35.737327 -53.070244 2.75753 1354.42965          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP two stars in the same pixel; Gaia radius of 166697854 is 1.6 Rsun; second star is 4 as away and dmag 4
166739520 190.01 36.775436 -50.284518 10.020817 1357.571578          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-117
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
166833457 404.01 58.428804 -34.328198 2.96273 1413.16667          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-98
166836920 267.01 39.897688 -50.008005 5.75244 1387.960271          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-99
167415965 214.01 99.460653 -70.932628 18.55378 1336.68217          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
167418898 383.01 99.609505 -67.656173 10.98042 1335.77232          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP could be on 167418903
167754523 409.01 104.181690 -60.686970 1.69992 1326.31473          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP centroid offset on 167754526
169765334 329.01 351.320880 -15.634658 5.7018 1354.94883          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
170634116 413.01 66.370903 -30.600444 3.66242 1412.89287          
            4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-79
175476629 321.01 350.977728 -38.225709 1.14057 1354.27156          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP "There is some centroid offset
175477257 310.01 351.105838 -36.975983 4.26938 1356.58788          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
175482273 369.01 351.229222 -38.160736 5.46349 1354.34549          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP PC (star radius 1.70); Simbad says it's a known double. Gaia did not have a second star at the same coordinate.
176778112 408.01 47.827948 -35.628053 1.33919 1411.5384          
            3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
176957796 137.01 101.297297 -66.238034 4.819018 1327.369003          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
176984236 405.01 101.909386 -66.328353 1.75617 1326.54565          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible EB on 176984248; small possible secondary eclipse
178155732 396.01 42.984364 -30.814529 3.5873 1384.08418          
            3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible TASC candidate
178284730 418.01 60.385614 -20.451086 2.23595 1412.69841          
            4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-140
179317684 163.01 79.768168 -71.895588 4.23163 1328.87975          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
179985715 249.01 14.080413 -38.948683 6.613147 1359.540377          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf centroid offset not significant.
180145006 312.01 14.523299 -37.942514 3.54148 1357.54535          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
180285396 292.01 14.713941 -36.688350 10.3698 1363.14401          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped3
183120439 169.01 16.778300 -75.198873 2.25596 1327.43797          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
183532609 191.01 359.900305 -35.031390 8.159165 1358.920239          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-8
183537452 192.01 357.879533 -39.906726 3.922743 1356.414736          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-29
183593642 355.01 17.888013 -36.709111 1.03742 1355.08121          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP potential odd/even difference
183675732 374.01 358.227493 -41.700497 5.4823 1356.62212          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
183979262 183.01 21.649233 -72.749038 3.430776 1326.104287          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             700 ppm secondary; likely EB; possibly synchronized with rotation
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
183985250 193.01 358.667547 -37.628020 0.792072 1354.214863          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Tdur is short for Rstar
184240683 250.01 359.348992 -41.277150 1.628393 1355.508203          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-5
188570092 294.01 339.026294 -16.999954 7.32829 1358.78126          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
188593930 320.01 345.522736 -16.359925 1.46503 1354.27607          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
198077394 322.01 63.825187 -56.253756 3.99076 1355.68563          
            2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP not synchronized; no GAIA radius
199731190 350.01 21.292013 -47.262926 2.51276 1355.90325          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
200723869 257.01 47.516558 -50.832418 18.37073 1385.77602          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf First event is a partial transit
201233610 290.01 359.516537 -49.300804 NaN 1360.59149          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP single event; really big
201248411 129.01 0.187097 -54.830506 0.980981 1354.552404          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf TOI 129.01
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
201292545 289.01 2.900495 -56.599656 NaN 1326.64586          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP single event; no period
201793781 248.01 34.683547 -54.859771 5.991198 1354.835774          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf known TOI
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
204317710 255.01 346.075057 -21.271946 2.812077 1355.983448          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-32
204376737 231.01 348.157236 -22.673953 3.361021 1357.394512          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-6
206352378 318.01 355.015478 -53.039028 3.74649 1327.33174          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped; need to check if it is on target.
206466531 410.01 56.815204 -52.985150 1.42748 1384.6552          
            3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
206609630 212.01 22.551000 -59.583200 0.335269 1325.491317          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Possible M dwarf; Gaia give this source duplication flag; no radius/parallax available
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
206669860 327.01 343.633006 -34.502741 10.06378 1362.96027          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP two events; odd even?
206686292 298.01 344.060677 -34.361099 1.32901 1354.35602          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP synchronized?
207081058 121.01 331.867232 -41.815456 14.775056 1336.139719          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Warm Jupiter candidate with a possible secondary
207084429 381.01 22.756615 -51.215438 4.89388 1356.07033          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP the target may be on the neighbor on the north (Rstar 1.3; dmag=6).
207141131 179.01 44.262259 -56.192071 4.137394 1354.588395          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf known TOI
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
211438925 194.01 5.160559 -23.935731 4.899379 1356.565648          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-20
219253008 268.01 65.915985 -53.850952 5.06671 1385.12523          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf GAIA visual binary with 2as separation and equal mass
219338557 133.01 354.395739 -58.954636 8.1952 1327.291396          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
219379012 397.01 76.833821 -48.115925 1.54683 1412.48913          
            4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP close companion star 219379014
219388773 399.01 77.047581 -50.858766 1.57111 1412.39194          
            4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
220016044 357.01 32.321768 -48.484745 0.93985 1354.34394          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP weak signal
220396259 379.01 68.891565 -56.138684 0.91693 1354.7083          
            2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP needs follow-up to confirm whether is on target
220435095 147.01 73.641400 -57.513557 3.42316 1326.61107          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
220459976 285.01 74.697149 -56.394049 32.332528 1361.663925          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |             possible single transit
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
220479565 269.01 75.846109 -54.177194 3.69799 1385.54129          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
220518305 156.01 41.467255 -64.320724 14.14893 1336.13203          
            1,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Warm Jupiter candidate with a period of about 14 days
224225541 251.01 353.061818 -37.255890 4.937712 1357.305816          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf centroid shift not significant.
224245334 333.01 353.357466 -41.171509 3.79069 1355.55844          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
224271611 347.01 354.489847 -36.571572 4.0394 1355.18601          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
228381868 351.01 357.580534 -17.077572 3.46583 1356.67382          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP star is evolved
228507250 309.01 358.039584 -15.800830 6.15864 1360.01144          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
229091748 382.01 3.797690 -46.272415 0.4568 1354.59152          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
229111835 302.01 17.480755 -52.239441 6.70145 1356.68237          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
230982885 195.01 24.604344 -55.772082 2.072761 1355.490416          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-97
231081369 153.01 68.073647 -66.916366 7.63227 1329.84791          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
231663901 101.01 318.736981 -55.871780 1.430401 1326.008874          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-46
231670397 104.01 319.949611 -58.148876 4.087445 1327.673462          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-73
231702397 122.01 332.947000 -58.945100 5.077677 1329.121491          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Small star with a small planet candidate
231912935 215.01 7.318019 -63.790619 26.296721 1334.391185          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             A weak detection.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
233964642 334.01 36.498808 -63.647560 17.91563 1325.44586          
            1,2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP v-shaped; source is possibly 233964643
234345288 213.01 38.886663 -71.624147 23.516847 1343.336546          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Be aware one of the signals is on the edge.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
234519192 196.01 14.551711 -64.761619 1.163088 1354.30751          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf v-shaped
234523599 127.01 15.551099 -61.756001 3.795609 1325.650197          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
234994474 134.01 350.031300 -60.065200 1.401461 1326.033176          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Level 1 candidate
235037761 131.01 353.826767 -64.561769 6.240662 1326.068952          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf V shaped
237924601 252.01 57.553578 -63.053777 1.002192 1354.720066          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf known TOI
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
238059180 386.01 104.138389 -53.545486 5.112 1356.21389          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP v-shaped; two stars about 1as separation in same pixel
238176110 116.01 357.845260 -70.152863 2.798594 1326.689274          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-91
244161191 278.01 4.883100 -5.911300 0.298746 1386.106592          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf possible dipper; not a planet candidate; Rstar may be larger than stated
250386181 390.01 30.114395 -4.985569 1.47043 1412.37337          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP nearby star is 6 mag fainter
251848941 178.01 7.301250 -30.453734 6.558054 1360.242325          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
251848941 178.02 7.301250 -30.453734 10.354252 1354.55219          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf similar period to candidate 3
251848941 178.03 7.301250 -30.453734 9.955936 1362.953314          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf similar period to candidate 2 and may be wrong; only two transits
251852984 323.01 8.202822 -32.059327 2.77422 1355.57459          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
251855940 370.01 8.659667 -32.166524 4.04655 1354.28979          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
251878904 366.01 9.691992 -34.214912 1.70429 1354.48285          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP too faint
253917293 160.01 337.500659 -31.924254 4.608 1327.37627          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Source is star to the WSW (253917292).
257567854 403.01 52.818043 -23.819696 3.53272 1411.90242          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-22
259377017 270.01 68.415400 -51.956200 5.660209 1389.502678          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf possibly half or same period as .02
259377017 270.02 68.415400 -51.956200 11.379126 1389.678659          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf period possibly half because of gap in data
259377017 270.03 68.415400 -51.956200 3.359857 1387.092173          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
259511357 271.01 70.775334 -50.219614 2.47603 1384.70394          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
259701242 401.01 74.466266 -53.817906 2.4861 1384.17554          
            3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP may be on 259701232
259962054 203.01 43.018800 -67.687600 51.953234 1327.729066          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             M dwarf; first transit is on/near momentum dump; the transit duration is a bit long for the reported period;
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
260043723 217.01 91.608606 -58.953644 3.13879 1327.066685          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             possible centroid shift
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
260271203 207.01 94.218078 -58.229816 5.64939 1330.09558          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
260304296 187.01 94.615669 -57.013569 0.512589 1325.778915          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             v-shaped; very likely EB
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
260609205 219.01 97.453901 -57.254837 4.461939 1328.754344          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
260985861 149.01 76.635855 -80.768181 3.34024 1327.40226          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Source is apparently 260985864- which may be a planet depending on host star size.
261136679 144.01 84.291198 -80.469143 6.266571 1325.503694          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Π Mensae
262530407 177.01 20.439100 -46.714400 2.853133 1356.153          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf known TOI
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
262530780 363.01 20.547259 -44.861946 8.22393 1361.87743          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
262530873 304.01 20.494044 -44.416756 2.24172 1356.28606          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Likely EB; Big but flat bottomed.
262531275 331.01 20.419310 -42.481733 2.48421 1356.00813          
            2,3 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible centroid offset; the fainter star to the north has a smaller radius than the target.
263003176 130.01 12.541184 -83.743964 14.339928 1336.559583          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Centroid shift is almost a pixel away but there is no corresponding star in that position. There are two nearby stars Gmag=13 close to the NW and Gmag=18 to the SE. If the transit signal is on target it is a small planet around a bright star.
265612438 145.01 333.174746 -55.978763 5.12944 1327.04953          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Some confusion about whether source is this star or the close pair of equal brightness stars to the NE (260985864)- but difference image seems to indicate source is more likely to be this star.
266980320 118.01 349.556843 -56.903885 6.036061 1329.199631          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
267263253 135.01 7.328937 -76.304075 4.126904 1325.783759          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
268766053 272.01 31.909198 -20.661837 3.30968 1386.231709          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-53
270341214 173.01 33.458316 -80.582809 NaN 1333.41089          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Single-transit planet candidate, identified in report as having a 14.2-day period. The transit parameters provided with this TOI (and not those in the DV report) are the correct ones.
271893367 150.01 112.965695 -73.606125 5.85758 1326.27838          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
271900960 389.01 112.941801 -75.527428 13.45913 1330.37074          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
272086159 176.01 115.003400 -72.207700 16.15427 1363.04625          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
277103955 284.01 84.254370 -66.791439 1.30926 1326.41347          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
277683130 138.01 328.926194 -61.673286 6.198041 1328.058635          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
278683844 119.01 99.237983 -58.015237 5.541738 1327.614054          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf 119.01
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
278683844 119.02 99.237983 -58.015237 10.694535 1328.037451          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf 119.02
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
278866211 189.01 100.807855 -55.244540 2.194097 1327.357534          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             8th mag star nearby; v-shaped; likely on target
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
279251651 419.01 104.155300 -59.183300 0.40387 1354.46663          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Rstar 0.55; may be on 279251647
279740441 273.01 51.504634 -64.548553 0.741859 1386.095087          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf still can be a planet on 279740439
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
279741379 186.01 51.746760 -63.499154 NaN 1350.3          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; single transit; no period; associated report shows a second TCE at 7.78 days
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
280095254 235.01 46.196133 -73.396554 20.180235 1357.283631          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf V-shaped. Radius Teff and logg not consistent with each other; recommend follow-up to check stellar parameters. The period could be half of the current value. Gaia has excess astrometric noise.
280097543 375.01 47.150091 -77.383278 9.44859 1329.29739          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP needs follow-up to confirm stellar parameters
280830734 188.01 44.555164 -70.760917 1.162031 1325.777845          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             V-shaped; variable slightly evolved star
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
281459670 110.01 5.618692 -59.942551 3.174305 1328.040464          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-30
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
281541555 115.01 6.702439 -56.316124 4.742745 1329.90069          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-46
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
281575427 205.01 7.975187 -56.965111 4.251801 1326.336481          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
281710229 308.01 11.484669 -55.922574 8.30985 1360.88042          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP v-shaped;
281781375 204.01 12.975211 -59.343014 43.828624 1328.032557          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Only two events; first event is on/near momentum dump.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
281979481 274.01 130.504849 -75.801512 0.542248 1386.381414          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf needs follow-up to check if signal is on-target
289793076 108.01 316.961466 -26.096660 3.043839 1328.084864          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-13
290131778 123.01 319.699400 -26.616077 3.308754 1325.375658          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HD 202772
300293197 211.01 110.279641 -68.578384 6.563939 1329.255719          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
300810086 385.01 116.814028 -69.030700 0.66797 1326.06183          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP maybe not on target
300871545 184.01 117.657590 -70.533607 4.817028 1327.376627          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             1000 ppm secondary; likely EB
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
305048087 237.01 353.242700 -29.415100 5.433729 1355.24981          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf low MES.
305048116 362.01 353.238144 -28.319746 7.11679 1357.85959          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP the super bright star to the southwest is TIC 304698788; does not have a signal.
307210830 175.01 124.531900 -68.313000 3.690613 1356.203764          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
307210830 175.02 124.531900 -68.313000 7.451113 1355.2864          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
307210830 175.03 124.531900 -68.313000 2.253014 1354.906208          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
308208458 345.01 5.696952 -34.392090 11.22917 1362.15706          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible odd even;
309257814 171.01 124.269511 -63.213478 1.23855 1326.40275          
            1,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
309792357 199.01 80.105474 -59.895662 NaN 1361.02496          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; single transit; no period
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
314865962 208.01 53.281311 -72.744226 22.434498 1335.985928          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Last transit is near a momentum dump so period/depth might be affected. The other two are fine.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
316769613 314.01 354.668235 -32.860621 10.18242 1355.59503          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
316937670 221.01 356.490400 -56.344700 0.62425 1325.342966          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             M dwarf; low MES USP.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
321982642 358.01 3.060934 -47.355409 9.105 1356.32633          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP odd/even not reliable
322063810 253.01 14.317859 -51.584652 3.515816 1355.612876          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf There is another star in the same pixel. Centroid offset is not significant.
322307342 117.01 15.005896 -58.904780 3.5855 1328.4809          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP HATS-68
325680697 414.01 36.853348 -12.038913 1.82487 1411.51868          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP three stars in central pixel; possible EB
326453034 223.01 339.677665 -25.631723 14.445918 1355.95751          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Low significance; not enough information from centroid plot to determine if object is on target. Gaia indicates R*=2.7. Transit duration seems short for a giant. Period is similar to the spacecraft period but transit events are not near known scattered light events so they could be real.
327952677 295.01 359.091748 -13.271651 3.39656 1356.40432          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
328350926 392.01 46.931654 +0.861311 0.84907 1411.599          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP same pixel as 328350925 and 328350924
336732616 103.01 312.457438 -24.428796 3.547854 1327.25256          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-3
339733013 417.01 110.852026 -58.696747 5.62145 1328.3763          
            1,2,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP may be on 339733023
348770361 161.01 46.686080 -82.316422 2.76898 1325.70292          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Unknown stellar (and candidate) radius. Possible small centroid shift to NW.
349518800 407.01 111.211769 -62.092491 2.16555 1326.66101          
            1,3,4,5 FFI FFI FFI-QLP possible EB; check 349518801 with photometric follow-up
350445771 258.01 85.467440 -56.740516 3.190394 1326.800815          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf possible secondary
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
350618622 201.01 87.401712 -54.910734 NaN 1376.05          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             Single transit (no period)
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
350743714 165.01 88.885933 -57.290593 7.76178 1388.296648          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf known brown dwarf; discovered by WASP; one of transits is in gap
355509914 202.01 15.524836 -59.087778 1.738316 1326.115925          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             The OOT centroid is wrong; The signal is on target.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
355636844 146.01 358.301495 -56.013040 6.29632 1330.55618          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Signal coming from a faint star to the SE. At least for the brighter of those it could be a planet.
355637190 293.01 358.154472 -54.468865 0.80546 1326.22108          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP V-shaped;
355703913 111.01 0.774485 -62.469342 2.106098 1326.106369          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf HATS-34
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
369336146 356.01 6.069980 -37.222073 5.77014 1358.03764          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
369457671 168.01 311.643495 -37.904371 2.31257 1326.49996          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
373844472 275.01 81.516837 -67.233034 0.919476 1326.061419          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf v-shaped; likely EB
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
382188882 276.01 81.352974 -55.019917 4.800523 1387.759868          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf likely EB
382302241 151.01 83.348955 -58.745231 1.59783 1326.04926          
            1,2,3,4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Large with possible synchronization
382391899 391.01 43.688073 -10.898080 1.95512 1411.0936          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-50
382463648 296.01 353.104835 -45.909528 12.62733 1355.52978          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP The period could be either 12.635 or 25.27
382474101 349.01 12.274293 -52.046527 2.65221 1354.56049          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP 400 ppm secondary; synchronized
382626661 283.01 118.569575 -65.441521 17.61744 1333.47461          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             two stars in center pixel
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
388104525 112.01 55.933440 -65.193856 2.499802 1327.409511          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-119
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
389525208 154.01 313.261485 -38.594870 6.74709 1329.35996          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
389753172 319.01 351.290954 -47.945505 0.71356 1325.89923          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP There is a potential odd even;
391949880 128.01 79.522476 -80.964663 4.940663 1328.129344          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf "There is a nearby (2"") comoving dMag~2.5 star. If the signal originates from either the target star or nearby star it could still be a small planet."
393940766 148.01 338.320677 -38.159717 4.8661 1327.33133          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP Planet candidate around 393940766 to the NW.
394137592 120.01 4.446408 -66.358985 11.535076 1332.082805          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
394657039 159.01 51.781947 -78.549812 3.76276 1328.63687          
            1,2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
394698182 170.01 54.988393 -83.088557 3.7118 1325.51317          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
402026209 232.01 353.562839 -42.061409 1.338231 1355.184519          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf WASP-4
402319411 317.01 353.539987 -14.859942 3.3262 1355.09217          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP none
403136413 158.01 333.578639 -55.379022 2.51266 1326.37811          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
403224672 141.01 338.984609 -59.864489 1.007908 1325.538528          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
403287048 152.01 332.357821 -62.333998 7.00776 1327.92337          
            1 FFI FFI FFI-QLP
410153553 136.01 340.492100 -69.169000 0.46291 1325.72603          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf LHS 3844
410214986 200.01 354.914556 -69.195787 8.1375 1332.309957          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf The transit was detected with a bunch of false signals due to detrending; But the two transits near epoch 1332.3098 and 1340.4473 looks reasonable;
415969574 342.01 342.170291 -18.520457 10.45776 1362.57199          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP two transits; no gaia radius
415969908 233.01 343.710000 -18.911800 11.665865 1365.263091          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
422655579 388.01 29.263334 +0.758835 2.90326 1413.14271          
            4 FFI FFI FFI-QLP WASP-71
425934411 142.01 4.605790 -62.847886 0.853319 1325.489793          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf Gaia stellar radii 0.69 Rsun.
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
425997655 174.01 55.459877 -62.767049 17.668189 1342.994583          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; follow-up in progress
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
425997655 174.02 55.459877 -62.767049 29.797713 1340.303729          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; followup in progress
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
425997655 174.03 55.459877 -62.767049 12.166894 1335.733561          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; marginal PC
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2                 | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
425997655 174.04 55.459877 -62.767049 3.976337 1326.029824          
            1 tp.fits lc.fits             |             known TOI; marginal PC
            2 tp.fits lc.fits             | dvr.pdf
            3 tp.fits lc.fits             |            
            1-2                 | dvr.pdf
            1-3     dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf
434105231 311.01 354.335560 -13.455698 0.79632 1354.99864          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP maybe EB; V-shaped; some odd-even
439456714 277.01 19.077200 -20.952200 3.994244 1389.02917          
            3 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf check that 439456712 is not the target
441075486 372.01 359.759017 -15.612006 1.12026 1354.76663          
            2 FFI FFI FFI-QLP likely EB; V-shaped;
441462736 197.01 353.033649 -21.801397 14.279001 1357.013115          
            2 tp.fits lc.fits dvs.pdf | dvr.pdf evolved star